6.Debts and Connections

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3rd POV-
"America, I know how you feel..I made gunpowder and gave it to the world," China began, "But you didn't 'pull the trigger', did you? It wasn't really your fault."

"..I did! I was in the planes! I was the one that dropped Little Boy! I-I did it because I was scared and angry and hurt! I didn't....it was my fault...all my fault...." America whimpered out. Japan rubbed her arms, her ears slightly flopping down.

"I think we should take a break.." Germany announced, his voice feeling natural in the gloom and somber environment.

Japan, China, Britain, and France left. Most likely because 1) what America said scared them or brought up bad memories or 2) the atmosphere was so filled with stress that they would rather be out of the room.

Germany, Canada, Russia, and America sat in silence. Canada was the first to make a move and got up. He walked towards America. The Canadian hugged the taller American and quietly said, "I'll be with mum and father, ok?" America just nodded and let go of Canada.

As soon as Canada left the tallest country in the room asked a simple question. "Anyone hungry..?"

201 words
Please god help and forgive me

Or just killing me works too....
-hell signing out

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