Childhood Friends Time

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When Gakushuu Asano, age 6, hears about how one Karma Akabane, from Mr. Akiyama's class, had received a perfect 100 on all his tests and how he beat all the other boys in gym by running the fastest, he's curious.

First, by the boys name: 'Karma' and how he, another 6 year old, had gotten a similar grade as Gakushuu.

It's not that the other kids aren't smart, they just aren't as smart as Gakushuu, is all.

His father had even helped him with the studying, not that Gakushuu needed it, of course, he was a big boy.

But, regarding that other boy, Gakushuu seeks him out during recess, along with a few other boys who are kids of friends of his fathers.

"In order to get to the top, Gakushuu," his father said once,"you got to have connections to the top. It never fails to also use those at the top, as well."

He scans around the playground, kids yelling and running and he takes a step back as a couple of kids rush in front of him, screaming and smiling.

Their teacher yells to watch where they are running and goes back to watching over the others.

When he sees two kids by the swings; a redheaded boy and a blue-haired girl, he recognizes the boy as 'Karma' and quickly makes his way over.

The boy seems to be showing the girl how to twist on the swings and, when he sees Gakushuu heading over, he merely turns with a curious look in his mercury eyes.

"You're Karma Akabane, right?" He asks, fake smile already perfected, courtesy of his father.

"In order to make those lower than you, or someone who thinks they can best you, trust you, you have to give off an aura they feel safe around. Simply give a kind smile and they are yours." Father had said, giving an example of said smile.

The redhead merely looks him over before sharing a look with the girl and turning back to nod his head.

"Gakushuu Asano," he says, a hand raised to shake. He wants to know how the boy works, he has a sharp look to him.

An aura Gakushuu wants to prob and poke and see what lies in his head, did he cheat on those tests? Did he just lie to other kids about being the fastest?

Question after question poured in Gakushuu's head and he smiled more as the boy shook his hand before pointing to the girl, "Well you already know I'm Karma, this is Nagisa Shiota."

The girl merely looks between them as she takes in the situation before she gives a small smile.

Nodding his head towards her, Gakushuu focuses on the boy as he waves the other boys on his side away.

"Nice to meet you, Shiota, but if neither of you mind, may I speak to Karma alone?"

He wants answers, and casting aside a girl has never been an option, they just like him because he's smart and is good at sports.

Looking at Shiota, Karma shrugs and she nods before making her way to another girl with long brunette hair sitting on the benches.

Karma merely snickers as she stutters while speaking and turns back to him, nodding his head towards a large, secluded tree that no one is around.

Gakushuu nods back and the pair makes their way towards the tree, moving this way and that to avoid getting pushed into by other screaming kids.

When the boy grins at him before climbing up the huge tree, Gakushuu gapes a little. He's never seen anyone else besides himself climb a tree with ease.

Smiling a bit, he follows the redheads steps until they're sitting on a large branch that holds the both of them before turning to address the mercury eyed boy.

"Did you really get a 100 on all your tests?" Is the first thing he asks, he's getting those answers and when the boy starts laughing, he tilts his head.

"Oh, damn," he says, wheezing a bit before cathing his breathe and letting out another laugh.

Gakushuu feels like he should be embarrassed but he isn't, not when his answers are right there.

"Sorry, dude, it's just, what? What makes you think I cheated?"

The boy has a grin that makes Gakushuu feel like hitting him. And to think he's always prided himself on not being a violent person.

"It's just, not a lot of the other kids in our grade has gotten a high score like you-"

"Or like you, huh, Shuu," the boy says, leaning in Gakushuu's space as his face heats up a bit.

At what, he's not sure.

Maybe the boy calling him out at how he was the only one getting the highest grades on tests in their grade. Maybe it was the nickname; 'Shuu' said in such a way. Or how close he was getting, golden eyes shining.

"I-I, uh," Gakushuu stutters as he leans back while Karma leans forward, eyes shining mischievously, grin getting wider.

And then it stops and Gakushuu nearly falls out of the damn tree. Karma, quickly, reaches out to grasp his shirt and pulls him back to sit.

"Hmm, nah," comes the boys response when Gakushuu regains over the shock of almost falling out of a tree and being saved so fast by the redhead.

"Huh," he says dumbly.

"Nah, I didn't cheat on any of the tests," Karma says, snickering.

Now that he's in the shade with a couple of beams from the sun shining down on him, Gakushuu can't help but think he's kinda cute, for a boy at least.

He still seems a bit skeptical on believing the redhead, maybe he'll stay around and see how he does on the next exams.

Glancing at the boy, his heart skips a beat when he sees the boy just lounging on the branch, face peaceful.

Oh, god, what's he going to tell his father?

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