Delinquent Time

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Gakushuu freezes when he looks into the redheads mercury eyes.

They have a look that doesn't settle quite right with Gakushuu. But he's too frozen to even move, especially when Karma tries to walk over.

The key word: tries.

Nagisa, bless him, is still holding onto the boy, and once Karma realizes he's not letting go, is soon being dragged as he walks to Gakushuu.

He's yelling at the redhead, but his words prove to be pointless as Karma keeps on getting closer, eyes burning and fists bloodied.

Gakushuu's never been more terrified yet so calm in his 6 years of life.

When the redhead stops just a few feet away, Nagisa's already panting and still trying to get words in.

The blunette is then pulled off of Karma, placed gently on the ground and soon just staring up at the redhead as they all try to find the right words.

"I'm guessing you saw, huh," is Karma's first words as he stares at Gakushuu.

His eyes are starting to dull, just barely, but Gakushuu is now worried about the boys hands, they're shaking and he knows it's not cause Karma's ready to beat his face in.

Not with the look on his face, he looks almost crushed at Gakushuu finding out.

"Those boys- ," he starts.

"-were picking on Nagisa, just cause his grades weren't that good and because he looks like a girl." Karma says.

Said blunette then starts to protest what Karma was saying, how it wasn't a big deal and Karma gets that look and the words Nagisa was trying to get out die down a bit.

"I get it if you don't want to be friends anymore, I do, really. But if you're gonna go back, do us the favor of not being a jerk, yeah?" Karma says, eyes holding so many emotions that Gakushuu didn't know a boy his age could have.

Taking the silence on Gakushuu's end as a confirmation, the redhead nods, grabs Nagisa by the hand, and the two walk begin to walk off.

His father always told him that an individual who uses violence is someone who won't have a very bright future. That they chose that path and it will get them nowhere but trouble.

It's why Gakushuu's never used violence, just mind games on people who he deemed easy enough.

But, Karma's different, he was using violence against bullies. Bullies who were putting another student down.

Surely, if Nagisa only studied more like he and Karma, he wouldn't have to deal with bullies.

And besides, the blunette was always causing confusion, even amongst the teachers.

But, bullying is no exception.

"Wait!" Gakushuu shouts to the retreating pair.

When Gakushuu puts the situation in a little corner of his brain ('out of sight, out of mind,' his father once said), he does so with the best intent for Karma.

And everytime the boy gets into another fight, coming to Gakushuu with that lazy grin and bloodied fists, he throws that into the ever growing pile of things he can slip by, for Karma.

It's when Gakushuu is nearing 4th grade, with Karma in his class, does his father start changing.

He starts making Gakushuu study work that is almost three grade levels above him.

He starts saying that on most days, Karma can't come over, smart or not, Gakushuu, you don't need any distractions.

When he starts being more, more and more harsher and stricter, does then Gakushuu realize his fathers changed.

It's when Karma comes over to his house due to it being closer to where he was earlier, fists bruised and a few marks all over him, that his father starts telling him that he doesn't need Karma around.

The redhead had just left, smiling genuinely and patting Gakushuu on the cheek.

Gakushuu whirls back so fast he nearly gets whiplash, "What do you mean a "distraction", sir, he's bleeding and hurt?!"

Around this time, his father starts calling him "Asano" and says that they should not let their family bond become a distraction.

Everything is a distraction, these days.

But not Karma, he can't give him up.

"Asano," his father starts, "I was kind enough to let you have a best friend, but having one that is becoming more and more like a delinquent? I will not stand for it."

"But-," he starts and is soon cut off.

"No, he will bring nothing but trouble and will drag you in the gutter. Do you want to become a failure, Asano? Do you want to not have a bright future for yourself?"

That's all he hears nowadays. The word "future" ringing like a siren in his brain.

'If you don't succeed in this test, you won't pass onto the next grade. How do you think that will reflect on your future?'

'Do you not care that your life is slipping by, yes you're a child, but your also not going to live a life of happiness with these grades.'

He does want a future, will staying by Karma's side not let him have one?

Will the mischievous redhead really bring him down?

Without knowing, Gakushuu is already under the influence of his fathers manipulation.

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