Inspiration Time

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When Karma sees Koro-Sensei, he can admit that the guy can be pretty terrifying when he wants to be, face contorted in anger and voice strained as he tells them he doesn't prefer violence but that he does have plans for the assholes who took the girls.

The man is wearing a veil, too.

Of course, they never see what he does (he's too fast), they turn a bit, and all the thugs are just as confused yet the main guy get pissed thinking he's the best teacher. And Karma won't admit it out loud, but he's true.

And, because the man is just a strange case who might have a student complex, he goes on a fucking spiel on they were the class that gets mercilessly tormented but still hard working, while still beating the delinquents.

He also won't admit he felt a little inspired by the words, like Kanzaki, who looks like she had a revelation.

He instead opts for getting the huge ass book and beating it onto the thugs, hard.

When they eventually leave the shitty hangout, it's sundown and he still wants to hit something, he says so and get chided by Sugino.

He makes a few slash attempts at the man, who dodges with ease, a goofy grin on as he says he looks forward to their attempt tomorrow.

That night he isn't surprised when they get a whole different inn to stay at then all the other classes,  yet it's still fun to watch all his classmates chase after their teacher as he tried to get gossip from both the boys and the girls.

He had nearly faltered when they asked what type of girl he had liked, flashes of a smug smile and violet eyes going through his head. Instead, he thinks of a girl similar brain wise to the bastard that he won't ever admit to liking out loud.

Okuda is good with science, very good, but he also knows she's way kinder than Asano could never be, and chooses her, much to the surprise of the guys.

A match made in heaven, yeah.

When he and Nagisa watch the chaos, he makes an excuse for already being tired and heads to bed, telling the blunette to not stay up too late with his usual grin.

And if he dreams about a smug laugh and a haughty voice? Well, no one needs to know about that besides himself.

When they get back to school, his curiosity is a bit peaked when a robot (yeah, you saw right) is in the classroom. A robot...

Turns out, she's their new attempt at assassinating Koro-Sensei from the government and she was solely created to see if she can defeat Koro-Sensei before moving onto bigger things in the world. Though, Karma wonders what bigger things are out there to have her suddenly in their class.

Is the government really that desperate to get rid of this strange man who holds inhumanly abilities? Guess so if they have this piece of work here. (But Karma gets it, he is going to blow up the moon after all...)

However, as the day goes on he and his classmates are beyond frustrated at, well, several things caused by "The Special Assassin".

One being that she kept firming bullets at Koro-Sensei (yeah they didn't hurt any of them but still, it was annoying). And taping her could only do so much. Two being that she was the second to get a hit on the guy besides him.

It's overall a frustrating day and not even thinking of putting wasabi in he-who-shall-not-be-said's lunch isn't fun or giving him his usual mischievous intentions for the day.

(Somewhere in A-Class, Asano Gakushuu lets out a sneeze as a slight chill goes down his spine. He kindly rejects a passing girl as she tried to hand him a handkerchief.)

He goes home with a slight frown and a headache, but still makes the time to study and the next day he's slightly surprised to see that their oh so strange teacher has done a strange thing again.

He gave a robot a personality. And a damn good one too if the looks of surprise but not unwelcome expressions on his classmates face is anything to go by. The robot goes by Ritsu, and it's another strange day that goes by, thanks to their strange teacher.

However, he isn't all that surprised to see that the creators of Ritsu weren't too happy that she can now have a personality and a free will. Karma's seen hundred of movies of robots overtaking the planet, adding that to their situation is a bit of a problem.

Though he and his classmates are more than surprised at how she hid her personality from her creators and had managed to create those flowers. He smiled a bit and thought that she wasn't half-bad, for a robot, at least.

Seeing the awed looks on the faces as well as the one on their teacher was something. Karma didn't the guy could ever be surprised or shocked. He even looked a bit proud and Karma would bet money that he even saw some tears well up, especially after she says that she'll defy her creators to keep her promise to them to help assassinate Koro-Sensei.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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