Gnomes and a journal 2

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Dippers POV: 

I walked back to the shack journal in my hoodie. Hey Mabel I said as I walked though the door, hey dip dip, guess what! She said clearly excited, what? I said sitting down beside her, this girls got a date she said proudly, wait let me get this straight, in the half hour I was gone you already found yourself a girlfriend? I said not believing her, yes all my friends are gay including me, but they just think I'm their cis straight friend, what can I say, I guess I'm just irresistible! Mabel said.

The door bell rang, oh he's here! Mabel said rushing to the door, I sat there in the chair reading the journal I found in the forest, heeeey~~~ dip'n dot say hello to my new boyfriend! The person with her turned around to reveal a girl that looked the same age as us wearing a black hoodie and black jeans and shoes, with was that....blood? Dripping from her cheek, edgy, was my first thought, sup she said, hey I said back, we met at the cemetery she's really deep Mabel said feeling up her forearm, so what's your name? Uh...normal girl!   She means Norma, Mabel said, are you bleeding Norma? It's jam, Norma said, Mabel gasped, I love jam! Look at this! Mabel said while moving her hands back and forth, so you wanna go hold hands er whatever? Oh oh my goodness, don't wait up! Mabel said through giggles running out the door Norma following behind. There was something about Norma that wasn't right, so I decided to consult the journal 

I was sitting inside at the counter in the gift shop reading the journal, so fare nothing helpful until, known for their pale skin, and bad attitude, these creatures are often mistaken for zombies! I read, is my sister really dating a zombie? Or am I just going insane? Well I mean more then I usually am, It's a dilemma to be sure, someone said, ahh! I screamed, I couldn't help but overhear you talking aloud to yourself in the gift shop, soos you've seen Mabel's girlfriend she's gotta be a zombie right? Hmm how many brains did you see the girl eat? He said completely serious, zero I said though a sigh, look dude I believe you, I'm always noticing weird stuff in this town, like the mail man pretty sure that dudes a werewolf, but you gotta have evidence other wise people will think your majorly crazy he said, well people back home used to think that sooo? As always soos your right I said, my wisdom is both a blessing and a curse, now back to something I've been wondering about, you said Mabel was your sister? Oh shit! W-well I mean like soul siblings like not l-like we're related I said worried, oh ok he said, soos get out here! the portable toilets are clogged again! Stan said from outside, I am needed elsewhere he said backing out of the room into the shadows. I mean soos is right I don't have any real evidence, and I don't want to stock my sister, people have stocked me, and it's not fun I don't want to put her through that! Maybe in another universe! ( hint hint ) 

Mabel's POV: 

It's been a week since me and Norma started going out, and it's going great, we are on a date right now In the forest, and I'm having lots of fun! I stopped walking and said finally we're alone, yes alone she said behind me, uh Mabel now that we've gotten to know each other there's.....there's something I should tell you Norma said kinda nervous, oh Norma you can tell me anything I said, please be a vampire, please be a vampire I secretly wished, alright just-just don't freak out okay, just keep an open mind be cool she said, Norma unzipped her hoodie and took it of entirely revealing.....what the fuck!? Gnomes I thought, is this weird is this to weird? You need to sit down? The top female gnome said, r-right I'll explain, so we're gnomes first of, get that one out of the way, uhh, I groaned, I'm Jen, and here we have Carla, Stella, jayla, I'm sorry I always forget you name, she said to the bottom left gnome shmapulock the gnome said, shmapulock! She says snapping her fingers, anyway long story short we gnomes have been looking for a new queen! Right guys she said looking down, queen! queen! queen! They all chanted, ha! So what do you say, Jen tapped her foot on Stella's head, and the mechanism they built got down on one knee holding out a open box with a ring in it, Mabel will you join us in holy matrignomey m-matrimony ugh can't talk today Jen said, look I'm sorry guys you're really sweet, but I'm a girl, and you're gnomes, and it's like what?! I said trying my best to let them down easy, we understand we'll never forget you Mabel.....because we're gonna kidnap you she said, huh!?

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