Into The bunker

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Dippers POV: 

Today was the day me, and my crush were going to hang his place.....without anyone there........alone with my crush, alone with my crush, alone with my crush! Fuck!

I really don't want to have an anxiety attack! Because when I have an anxiety attack I cut, and when I cut my friends can tell, but that's only because they found out about my dangerous habits, that was a week ago. But here I am on the floor crying like a little bitch with bleeding wrists. 

Oh well.....I guess I'll just have to take the lecture when I get there. I bandaged up my wrists, put on a black MCR hoodie, and was out the door. 

I love the forest almost as much as I love Bill. Bill.....he's so gorgeous, and...perfect, he's funny, but can be really caring, and kind when he wants to be, he's dream guy, he IS my dream guy. Sadly I'll probably never live up to his standards, I mean how could someone so perfect, and beautiful ever love someone as useless, and ugly as me? They couldn't that's how. And we're here, see bill also lives in the woods, but with his family.....unlike me, but no one has to know that. I told everyone that my parents were on a business trip when they asked. Bill said that his family was out for most of the day, and that Will was hanging out with everyone else, because that's usually what our  friends do on weekends. I walked up the wooden steps to his door, and knocked on it, there was a few shuffles, and crash's here, and there, but that's to be expected with bill. Hey dipper! Bill said opening the door, hi bill.....I said looking away, dipper have you been crying? Bill asked with concern, no? Totally haven't been crying at all because of an anxiety attack......I said, smooth real smooth I thought. Bill hugged me, it's okay don't worry about it, now come on! He said, okay now let me see your wrists bill said in way more serious voice then the one before, no? I asked more then said, dipper please bill said, I sighed, fine. 

( Time skip because I can ) 

What do we do chadly?! I thought they were dead! Far worse trixandra, they're nearly almost dead, but not quite! Ahhhhhhhhh! The TV in bills room played "nearly almost dead, but not quite" the horror movie, but the word "horror" was a bit of an exaggeration. Man these movies aren't scary at all! I said, they're slow just power walk away from them! Bill bill said to the screen as if that would help, how much you wanna bet that guy dies first I asked while elbowing him, I'm surprised I can be this casual around him I thought to myself, ah my face is being eaten a lot the male actor said in the most deadpan voice I have ever heard in my entire life, bill, and I broke into rib breaking laughter, chadly ain't pretty no more bill said through chuckles, god his laugh is so beautiful. Ugh another text from Simon! Bill complained, oh yeah Simon how's uh how's all that going I asked, see Simon is bills ex, and bill broke up with him because he was a dick, I'm over him I just wish he was over me! Look at these texts, winkie frown? What does that even mean?! Bill said confused, and you're not, I stopped to clear my throat, not like seeing any other guys or........? Of course I am! Meet my new boyfriend dude, bill said pulling over a stuffy on his bed, haha right, right, I laughed nervously, so I was wondering if......maybe you wanted to......if-if you, and me.....maybe you.......wanted to join me, and Mabel on this mystery hunt tomorrow, conspiracy stuff, and all that, that's all, I said the last part through a sigh, I couldn't say it! Dipper you idiot! Yeah dude I love doing junk with friends, bill agreed, yo chadly watch out! Bill yelled at the TV, heh yeah cause that's what we are, that's all we'll ever be, I said while crumbling up a piece of paper I wrote, and laying down. Friends I muttered to myself, dude you're laying on my underwear, bill said, ah! Sorry! I said sitting up.

( another time skip because I can. Aaaaaand cue intro ) 

Thanks for coming guys, I said holding up the lantern, hey when there's a mystery you can count on your friendery, Mabel said, heh heh that's an amazing rhyme! Soos said, when-when you want some good...when you need a soos you-uh, uh gosh I don't know, soos said trying to rhyme. Hey dip how do you know this tree is supernatural? Bill asked because I didn't  tell anyone about the journal, yeah it's kinda suspicious.....not-not that I'm saying you're suspicious! Will panicked, well you see that branch I said pointing at one of the more taller branches on the tree, yeah? Mabel said, look closely I answered, oh! It's a lever! She realized, yep! But how are we gonna get up there? Soos asked, and that's the problem, answered. Chop it down dudes! I heard in the distance only to realize it was the badass red head I had been waiting for, riding here on her bike, Wendy! We all said. Hi bill said, you came! Will said, dude I've been stoked about this! Sure beats picking up after my dad at home Wendy said rolling her eyes, thanks for the invite man! Of course! I said, hey! Dippy over here! Mabel called to me, yeah? I said coming over to her, inviting bill on our mission, me thinks there's romance afoot! No! Look Mabel I'm straight, Bills gay, we're not getting together! I told her, ha! You're straight, allow me to put on my skepticals Mabel said moving her hands over her eyes in the shape of circles, it's not happening, I said walking away. Ok so guys how are we gonna get up there? Wendy asked, well it seems like we need like a latter......I trailed off, or maybe latter shoes? Soos suggested, we continued to converse oblivious to a certain red head behind us climbing the tree with her own belt, axe in hand. Me, and the others turn around to her just as she's about to hit the lever, boush! Wendy said as she hit the lever, but our cheering stopped once we saw the medal tree begin to shake, woah! Woah! Wendy said falling off the tree, thankfully landing in a bush, we pulled her off the bush just in time, about two feet of the ground surrounding the tree began to move downwards. 

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