4. Anything

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Loki watched as the girl swayed her hips on the dancefloor. He couldn’t help but look her over. She was talented even in her inebriated state. Every beat of the drum, every note sung, she was feeling the music. There was a cloud of heavy smoke that misted over the crowded place. It was tiny, a tight sqeeze. Loki sat at a diminutive table, one that held two seats on either side. His companion had left him in her futile efforts, she had been pleading him to dance with her. The place gave off a different vibe to the place of her work, their music was more....ethnic. The sounds blasting from their speakers were still live, acoustic, raw. But their music was filled with solid drum beats – with special mention of a drum he had not seen before, one that was tall, thin and played with the hands. Acoustic guitars filled most of the instrumentals. He witnessed the ‘band’ had plenty of rather strange instruments, some shaking rather odd things that created sounds he had never heard prior to this night.        

        Loki had decided that she choose what they do, for he would have no clue what she would take pleasure in doing, with him. She had decided to get away from work but decided on a place fairly similar. Maybe it was because she was not the one serving clients, cleaning up after them and entertaining them that she enjoyed herself. Or rather the change of scenery and music? Either way, Loki could not help but take pride in his decision, she looked so untroubled, free from care.

The music travelled through Blanches ears and filled her up. The bongos, the guitar made her move. The haze in her head was clouding everyone else around her and she let loose. How long had it been since she had really felt this good? She found herself humming to the song, why hadn’t she chosen this song to play? Forget about work Blanche. You’re free for the night. Letting herself get lost in the live music, she closed her eyes shutting the world out.

“I need to know, tell me baby girl cause I need to know.”

She felt someone close in on her, bring their large hands to her sides. She was about to hit their hands away until they swayed with her effortlessly. It was hard to find someone who could actually dance. The person swung her around, she instinctively put one hand on their shoulder and the other clasping high, to her side. She was surprised to see a familiar face. Her large toothy grin sparkled under the dim light as they started to dance. Blanche was lead, taking her hand away from his shoulder, she let it run seductively up the back of his neck. Her hips swayed and rocked to the music.

Loki was pulled, rather abruptly, away from his thoughts. Where had this person come from? Loki felt his blood start to boil. Someone had come along and started dancing with Blanche. He was instantly regretting declining her previous offer. The male was spinning her around, she was effortless in her movements. What really irked him, was that the mystery dancer was just as good, if not better. Loki watched as he held the girl up as he let her back drop. His jaw clenched as he watched the male put his face quite close to her neck, almost like some sort of animal sniffing for his mate. The man pulled her up fairly roughly and she snapped back up, her hair messing around her face. Loki could see the sweat covering her face now, she glistened rather seductively, her movements weren’t helping either.

Blanche forgot how much fun this was, one of the reasons she had said yes to the shitty Sunday job of singing at the club. She missed the sexy music, the atmosphere. She missed the night life. When did it stop being fun? Maybe it was after the break up, she was rather numb, she restricted herself, kept a distance. Tonight everything flooded back to her, music was definitely her life, everything about it made her day -  her existence better. She let her feet do the work while her hips did the talking. She was back in the game again. Forget Liam. Forget everything about the kid. He wasn’t the one. You’re a better person now. Blanche smiled as her partner twirled her around smoothly, this was exactly what she needed.

The song neared its end and she could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins, she was only getting started. She was surprised at how well she was dancing, her head was still clouded but everything felt so natural, especially with Lenny.

“Blanche! How the hell have you been?” He said smiling at me once the song had finished.

“I’ve been alright. What about you? How’s Zoë?” Blanche was leading him toward the table where Loki was sitting.

“Yeah she’s great. Working hard.” He said with a smirk. “Filming a new movie at the moment actually.”

“Good on her. She’s stunning.” Blanche grabbed another seat from an empty table and took a seat. “Loki, this is Lenny, Lenny – Loki.” She introduced the two. Loki seemed reserved, his coat was buttoned and his arms folded.

Lenny nodded at the guy but didn’t engage him. Did they know each other? Why were they being so standoffish. “Hey babe I might just catch up with you some other time? Call me okay?” He looked so serious. What were they hiding from her?

“Uh, yeah. Of course Lenny.”

He came up to her and leaned in for a kiss on the cheek. “Call me. Okay?” There was definitely something up.

“Sure thing.” She kissed him back and watched him leave. Looking toward Loki, she asked him, “What the hell was that all about? Am I missing something?”

“There is nothing amiss.” He said sternly, taking a sip of his chosen toxin.

“Please. Can we just drop whatever that was? I was having a good time, a genuine one. That doesn’t happen often.” She had to scream over the music. She could see Loki contemplating, taking in what she had just proposed.

“Of course.” He took the drink in his hands again, downing the rest of the liquid. She watched, he didn’t even flinch. “Come. Let’s leave.”

Blanche obliged, she couldn’t care less now, she just didn’t want him in a bad mood. “Where are we going?”

Loki grabbed her hand roughly and led her outside of the bar. “Somewhere that doesn’t involve loud music, smoke, or copious amounts of people.”

“Where is that?”

“If you would not mind, my home is an option? We can do whatever you please.”

The thought of Loki’s comforting, warm abode did sound very appealing. “Anything?”

“Anything.” His accent made her shiver.

**DISCONTINUED**Crave ((Loki Fanfiction))Where stories live. Discover now