A Time Web

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OK, so this is a LOT different from things I usually write, but today is my friend Nataly's birthday and I had to do something... I was originally planning on making it just a short little story, but it got away from me and I just kept adding things, and if today wasn't a deadline I would have probably kept going.

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I hope you like this. (I added Korrasami because I know you're crazy for those dorks)


"Are you sure I can't help somehow?" asked Asami. She didn't like watching Korra sitting in the evening cold without a jacket. And yeah, yeah, firebenders can heat themselves by breathing, but still it was over a lost cause anyway. "Still no development?"

Korra broke the stillness of her meditation pose for just the second or two it took her to shake her head. Then Jinora came running from somewhere inside the Air Temple. At least the girl was smart enough to wear a jacket... Or her mother was.

"Did she do it?" Jinora whispered to Asami, but in the complete silence on the porch it didn't have the desired effect.

"No." Korra snapped. "And I'm not going to do it, with all of you hovering over me like that!"

"Sorry." The girl looked at her feet.

"It's not your fault, I'm sorry." Korra opened her eyes and stood up, having lost any last remanence of concentration while screaming.

"Maybe you could take a little break... Pick it right back up in an hour?" Asami touched the Avatar's shoulder.

"My dad said he needs your help fast. That's actually why I came here..." Jinora was interrupted.

"I guess, I'll just go out there and follow my gut." Korra sighed.

Republic City had been hit with a series of riots. Elemental discrimination again, and to make matters worse, the President was out of the city. Everyone looked to the Avatar to fix everything and she just didn't know what to do, how to approach the problem...

When Korra said she wished she still had a connection to her past lives, Asami nodded along. When her girlfriend then said she wanted to try and reestablish the connection severed during Harmonic Convergence, Asami tried to be supportive. But now that the attempt was unsuccessful, she hoped they could start thinking of actual solutions. Asami didn't know any past Avatars, but she did have complete faith in the one they had now. In her opinion, Korra already knew everything she needed without anyone's spiritual assistance.

That's why it bothered her when Jinora said: "What I meant was... I may be able to help with reaching the past Avatars."

Korra's eyes went wide, but she let the girl continue. Asami just looked back at her, thinking about how all of this could go wrong.

"So you know how spirits sometimes talk to me? Well, I know one that might be able to help. Her name is Sha, and the other spirits talk about her power having something to do with time."

"You mean we could reverse time on my Avatar bond and make it whole again?" Korra's whole face lit up.

"I'm not exactly sure how it works. We'll have to talk to her first." Jinora shrugged. "Maybe she can just let us talk to your past lives by throwing you back in time."

"That sounds dangerous," Asami said.

"Let's do it. Where is this spirit?" Korra already started walking, not even knowing where she was headed. Asami didn't adore having her concern brushed aside like this, but maybe it was really worth the risk.

A Time Web, Gaoling Protocol and a Torque WrenchWhere stories live. Discover now