13.Im speeding up the nordics cause i said so

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I blinked open my eyes to find myself curled up  next to Russia,still asleep. It's always weird our relationship. We never told each other our human name although we've been together for ages. It's like an invisible line we will never cross.  As I tried to move I also found out russia wrapped his hands around my waist. I smiled and chose to stay there until he wakes up. After a while Russia woke up as well. He smiled at me and bopped my nose. I chuckled at that.

"Доброе утро, моя люблю" russia said sleepily.

I smiled. Thank god for my imagrants if I didn't have so much of them it would take forever to learn russian. Yet as I have so much it comes easily to me. "Morning sweetheart..."

Russia smiled as well and let go of me "I suppose we should get up before the others come looking for us." I nodded and lazily got out off bed,putting on my clothes and my bomber jacket witch I of course always wear. Russia did the same although he got out of bed more gracefully and put on his coat. Witch is very massive. Trust me I know it's massive. One time I put it on and my arms and legs didn't even poke out! Russia called me a cute snow ball when he saw me. Either way we both trudged to the kitchen to find Romano? He was grumbling about something and we both silently chose to not say anything instead sitting down and talking to each other. Although we planned not to alert Romano of our presence he spotted us anyway.

His eyebrow twitched and said very angrily "What the fuck are you doing?"

Me and Russia looked at each other and it was I who responded " we woke up and we wanted to talk to each other here.?"

Romano didn't look pleased "Yea right you vodka and Humburger bastard! You where probably staring at my ass like Spain did last night!" Ah so that's what gotten him mad (Sorry sis I know you like Spain but I got to have more drama in this story) 

Russia stepped in for me. Thank god I did not have the energy to fight...like during the fir-
"Well Romano" Russia spoke "If I would stare at someone it would be dear Amerika" I heard this and blushed deeply. But what rang through my head was 'RUSSIA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!' I turned and glared at him motioning him to not give us away! Russia of course is immune to my glares as I am to his 'creepy arua ' I don't even notice it when Russia has that on! Romano simply raised an eyebrow and went back to doing what he was doing witch I assume was cooking. Me and Russia went back to talking with me adding some scolds on trying to reveal us to Romano!

All Russia said was "Well you always told me to tell the truth when we first got together so I told the truth!" I huffed but I couldn't argue I don't want another lecture on how I should stop harming myself. Oh how I wish I could. Russia is like a buffer but even then I sometimes still have to do it.  After a while of talking two plates of a fruit salad and some yogurt to the side. He also handed us some coffee.

"It's plain so if you want sugar it's in the pantry " Romano said

"Thanks romano you didn't have too" I said
Russia just simply thanked him.

Romano huffed and walked away saying to himself "I only made them for you two and myself no more favors."

Me and Russia went to eat and soon people where straggling out of their rooms. Some looking worse than others. Depending how long they stayed up. But no matter what no one looked worse than Romano. After everyone was ready for the day the door appeared again and we walked through it

(Uwu here's another one probably my longest yet! Or one of my longest! One of my goals is to get to 1k votes by 2020! Have a good year!)

(Uwu here's another one probably my longest yet! Or one of my longest! One of my goals is to get to 1k votes by 2020! Have a good year!)

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