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Hi.  My name is valeria ciccone, I have long brown hair, brown eyes, I like to read and sing.

Hi.  My name is aidan gallagher, do I have dark hair and green / brown eyes?  I like to sing and actually act as a singer and an actor (sorry I don't know how they make them popular all over the world forgive me).


~ It's morning, what a pain, and I still wanted to sleep. ~ I think, I look forward to it and I realize I'm extremely late to go to school so I head straight to work.

《valeria it's time to go and see if they admit you to work》 my mother says, in fact I still have to know if they admit me to work you don't know mine that you lose patience as last time.  I laugh and think about how I lost that girl's patience.  after half an hour on the bed I get up and head to the bathroom after taking my spare clothes.  after another half hour in the hot shower I put on the clothes I had brought with me, that is, a black sweater and high-waisted black trousers, dressed, brushed teeth and face, light make-up with only the mascara I leave the baths  and I head to the kitchen to get an apple,《Mommy I go that I arrive late and don't hire me.》 I say before closing the door and leaving with the car to a 5-star luxury hotel, by and by the first time I am enchanted, there is nothing at all  out of place, everything in order and perfect.  I wonder how do the servants clean up everything without saying a word, I go to the reception and ask if I can talk to the boss to find out if he is there, the receptionist stares at me from head to toe and asks me why, ~ okay, already  I can't stand you, from now on I won't talk to you, also because I don't know you ~ I think trying to calm myself.  《I have an appointment with the head of this hotel》 《Wait in the meeting room young lady, the boss is busy at the moment》 she answers me cold, I answer only ok and I go away to go to the meeting room asking many person where this meeting room was.  after a long time, by mistake, and I say by mistake I run into Aidan Gallagher, my favorite idol, I love watching him and I notice that he is talking to me, I reassemble and ask what he was saying to me 《I asked if you know where the room is  meetings that I have to meet a girl who asked the question to come in to work here in this hotel, but unfortunately I got lost and so I would like some information》 says Aidan, ~ I think the girl he is talking about is me, since I have  asked the question ~ I think, 《Excuse me for the fight I had before, anyway I don't know where it is but on the other hand you found the girl you have to meet to see if it can or not come in here and work》 I say, he is surprised that it's me  the girl recognizes for the thousand clashes we have given ourselves in a thousand days, in a thousand places and in a thousand concerts of her own, 《wait but you are Valeria Ciccone?  the girl who sings under my voice?》 he asks, 《Yes .... wait but how do you know what I sing under your voice?  nobody knows, only me and my friends, we sing only under the voice of our idol, how did you know that I sang under your voice?  Was it a friend of mine to tell you this?  have I sung too loud?》 I ask in bursts, laughs and consequently I laugh too.

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