Chapter Two: Alive And Safe...

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Storming through the halls of the ship, the Mandalorian found the fight easy enough...

Twenty raiders, the lot of them consisting mostly of muscle which is how they managed to overpower the crew, for wits, they were sorely out matched with their Captain thusly dispatched...

"Your Highness?!" he knocked on her door, standing off to the side with his blaster raised, "I'm coming in! Take cover!" he instructed before opening the door and rushing through...

Only to find two dead bodies on the ground...and Litha finishing up with the straps of the climbing harness that layered over her black and white combat suit. Her dark blonde hair cornrowed on one side and thinly box braided over the rest of her head, "What the..." he paused, not really understanding as she stood unharmed and seemingly prepared to head out.

The former Queen smiled at this, chuckling lightly as she spoke, "Expecting the whole damsel in distress thing, right? Tears and swooning? Possibly a stand off with the last two raiders? Something else equally dramatic

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The former Queen smiled at this, chuckling lightly as she spoke, "Expecting the whole damsel in distress thing, right? Tears and swooning? Possibly a stand off with the last two raiders? Something else equally dramatic...?" Litha would jokingly list these scenarios off as she turned to him, doing the last strap on her hip, the both of which beared knives.

"Well...yes, actually," he admitted as he straightened up, holstering his gun, "I assume you've had training? Commandos?" the Mandalorian wondered as she picked up a duffle bag from her bed, only the essentials.

Litha shrugged then, headed for the door with him, her remote in hand, "No, actually...I grew up with more private tutoring," she chose to speak tactfully, as one couldn't rightly say "Oh, well, Darth Maul's ghost- you know, the guy who destroyed your people, came out of the Force and taught me tai chi!" to a Mandalorian without getting shot in the head, "You'll forgive me if I don't name names, though," she apologized, but he nodded.

The Mandalorian studied her outfit. Brand new and far too clean, "I understand...but if you don't mind my saying, you don't really seem the rough and ready type," he confessed, making her laugh again.

"My dear rescuer, of course I'm not. Ladies never start fights...but we are always prepared to finish them, should the need for violence arise," Litha explained it to him as if she were a monarch three times her own age in life experience, "Unfortunately, for those neanderthals back there, it did. One of them made the mistake of thinking my position as a non-violent hostage gave him permission to assault me. Though, I never gave him the chance to demonstrate how... killed him with his own blaster," the royal elaborated as the Mandalorian hummed in mild amusement.

"Nasty business...sorry I took so long, your Highness," he apologized as they passed through the servant's quarters where her handmaidens that survived the initial skirmish had been gathered and held captive.

"Nonsense! You saved my girls and put on a wonderful show," Litha joked to dismiss his regret while she looked around. Then, upon seeing the proper maid, she grinned, "Kamilah, you kept them safe!" she exclaimed as the girl rushed to embrace her.

"Forgive me, my Lady! I couldn't seal the doors quick enough and-" Litha took her by the shoulders to steady her.

"Kami, they would've cut them up did well," she soothed her, the girl attempting to take deep breaths, "But now...I need you to take the other girls in my shuttle home to Naboo. Tell my father, Lord Hawma that I'm alive and safe...and I will return as soon as this Mandalorian's reward is claimed from Coruscant, do you understand?" she instructed kindly as the lot of her maids gathered around, frantic.

"But my Lady, you can't go alone! Not with a-" Kamilah paused in gesturing to the Mandalorian who only tilted his head ever so slightly, "A mercenary! What if someone else-"

"He's not a Mercenary. He's a Mandalorian...they're bound by honor to always finish a job and if someone decides to try paying him more than the Republic, I'd like to see them try!" she dismissed her worries, "Besides, with the Mandalorian to protect me, I can travel more inconspicuously than I might while flying about in this massive chrome monstrosity with a hundred servants... I'll be perfectly fine," Litha assured all of the girls then, "Now, go. You have thirty minutes to be out of range before I scuttle this ship to make the rest of the pirate's in this area believe we're all dead," she ordered and headed off again with this Mandalorian. A man for whom she felt a bit guilty, not knowing his name.

As they were alone once again, nearing the airlock, she would pause as he moved to the side, to let her climb the ladder first, "Your Highness," he gestured up and she smiled more wryly then.

"I'm not a Queen anymore and you saved my may call me Litha. Litha Hawma," she introduced herself formally, extending a hand to him, "What do I call you?" Litha inquired politely, noticing the awkward stance he took at her action.

"Uh..." he was hesitant, almost concerned as he had no real answer, "...Foundlings without names are never given new ones. We may pick one or take a nickname that sticks, but..." he bowed his head as if looking down, almost ashamed, "...Most people just call me Mando," he offered, taking her hand as he had nothing else to give as a title...

Mando might've expected a frown, or even an insult from the girl after his meager response...she was royalty, after all...

But none came as her smile warmed and she shook his hand, "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mando. I'll be happy to follow your lead on the journey to Coruscant," Litha spoke humbly then as she released him, then climbing up the ladder without hesitation...

Then, as soon as she reached the top, she would be greeted with an absolute gift of a sight...

"Oh, my goodness...!"

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