Chapter Nine: We're Bound...

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Once the door was closed, Litha would sit down in the middle of the floor, laying out the disassembled and cleaned parts of the blaster beside her crystal...

Inhaling deeply through her nose, she would release it soundly, "Okay, here goes..." she breathed out and held out her hands which flowed like water, picturing her saber in her mind...

Picturing her future...and the vision of peace that Mando had given...

"I am one with the Force, the Force is with me..." she whispered as the parts tinked and clinked, assembling together before she heard the final click...and...

Litha opened her eyes...and took the hilt in hand, "I am a Jedi Knight...and I am unafraid of the Light or the Dark," she declared and pressed the button...and a long violet blade of plasma sprung to forth to humming life, "Ha...!" she exclaimed in sudden, overwhelming joy, "Ha-ha...! I did it!" she beamed before scrambling to her feet...

She'd never felt so light...lighter than air...


Mando was just returning from a patrol that Cara had dragged him out on to get his head in the right space when they saw Litha in the village, practicing with her lightsaber...

Fluid movements which seemed akin to dancing, but every strike carried the weight to the rushing water in her movements, like a tsunami...

Naturally, many of the people in the village stood by watching in awe for they'd never seen a Jedi...not for generations...

"I see that blaster worked out well enough after all," Mando said then, the girl halting in her steps. Panting, but grinning all the same.

"Better than that. It's perfect," the girl beamed as she turned off the blade as they approached, "Thank you again, Mando," she said humbly then as she offered a small bow, "Now, what did you find out there and why do I sense a massive engine..." she took a moment to close her eyes before pointing, "...that way?" she questioned and both warriors grimaced, even if one's face couldn't be seen.

"Yeah...about that..."


Mando and Cara thought it best to address the massive problem with the entire village...

And by massive...I, of course, mean...

"-The Imperial AT-ST you knew about and didn't tell us!" Mando exclaimed as Cara and Litha stood by him.

He was trying to explain why they couldn't help, but Litha didn't like it...

She stepped forward and set a hand on his shoulder, "Mando, look at them...this is their home. They're too poor to move anywhere else and I can't call for help from my people without endangering them further," she reasoned logically, grimly.

Breathing deeply then, she would look to the people, "I am a Jedi Knight and it is my duty to protect the innocent and punish the unjust," she announced, "If I must fight alone, I will...but I refuse to turn my back on those in need and I will teach those who are willing to learn," she finished and Mando growled.

"You're really giving me no choice here..." he grumbled under his breath before letting loose a hiss of a sigh, "Fine! I'm in, but only because I am getting that reward and you are going home," he affirmed, trying to resist the urge to lose his anger as she flashed him a grateful smile.

"Me, too," Cara declared then, "Never got to fight with a Jedi before," she admitted her interest and it was agreed...

They would see this through to the end...


The rest of that day they would spend on target practice, spear work and barricade building...

And after...they need only wait for night fall and with the little one asleep, Litha had naught to do but watch Mando prepare for his and Cara's planned ambush on the raider camp...

"You will not come out of that barricade unless there is no other option, understand?" he instructed as he faced away from her, making sure everything was at peak performance.

"I'll stand with the people, Mando. I won't risk their lives by getting myself killed," she replied astutely then as she stood from the crate where she'd been sitting, coming to his side, "And we're bound, remember? Your vision said so. We stick together," Litha added then as she turned him gently by the shoulder while he took in her words, "I'm not about to let some bipedal antique get in the way of that. You have my word," she promised solemnly then, but even so, Mando couldn't look at her.

His head was bowed, sinking even, "But fights don't always go as planned. This is why I always work alone, travel's just easier that way," he voiced his woes as well as his regret, then gesturing to his helmet, "It's why I've worn this since I was a one around just means..." he couldn't finish as he heard her sigh. Feeling her wrap one arm around his waist while the other pressed against the middle of his beskar chest plate.

"No pain...?" she questioned in disbelief, "Mando, it might be easier to live your life alone, but nothing good is ever easy," Litha assured him, catching him off guard, "And me, I personally prefer a challenge," she added a bit of humor before going on, "If you needed easy, you wouldn't be what you are...who you are...and you would never have saved that child..." she paused to look over his shoulder where her chin came to rest, " never would've saved me and I wouldn't be holding on to you now if I didn't think that it was possible...if I didn't think that you were just as absolutely spectacular as you were the day we met," she needed him to know it was alright to let go of the frigidity he held in his heart and his stance as he still refused to embrace her, "...And you are. Every bit... because I dreamed of you, too," Litha's final confession would leave her with all the fear she held of losing him...

She wanted him to know that she was afraid...but not if he was with her...

And then he whispered...

"Close your eyes..."

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