Astaroth, Blue Exorcist

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Have you ever seen two demon kings fighting eachother? While another one was on his way, ready to jump in to try and break the other two up? No? Because that's what is currently happening in front of me.

It all started when Mephisto assigned me to watch his brother after the incident with the Vatican. I carried him out here in his hamster form and the moment we were in the forest, he transformed back into his normal self. Every thing was going well until coal tars started to swarm the forest. We were about to get rid of them or get them to leave but then a figure jumped into our view. The Demon King of Rot. The two brothers talked until one of them said something and started to fight each other. Knowing that I would be powerless if I were to stop their fight, I waited next to a tree. That was until it started to get out of hand. That's when I called Mephisto. It took him only a few seconds to show up.

"Ah, I'm glad that you called me (Y/n). If you were to try and break them up, you may of not of gotten away alive."

I nodded. "You should do something before the Vatican or the twins notice something is off."

He nodded and agreement, handing me his hat before jumping in himself. I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment. With the second my eyes were closed, I felt arms being wrapped around my waist and a chin being placed on the top of my head. My eyes snapped open, hoping it would be one of my friends but it wasn't.

"And who is this beautiful lady?" You could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Get your hands off of her-" Amaimon started but got cut off by Mephisto.

"That dear brother is our friend, (Y/n) (L/n), a half demon, and not to mention my little helper." He grinned.

"My name is Astaroth." He said in a way that sent shivers down my spine.

I nodded and looked at Mephisto and Amaimon, who charged towards us. Astaroth did nothing but stand there, holding me tighter. I quickly backed into him, afraid that Amaimon wouldn't stop the attack. Luckily, he did, causing Astaroth to smirk.

"Hmm interesting." He quickly lifted me up bridal style. "I think I'll take her with me."

Before we could say anything, he jumped off towards the other end of the forest. And before I knew it, we were no longer in Assiah. With how the place looked, it looked exactly how Amaimon and Mephisto described it. We were in Gehenna. Another thing that caused me to know we were here, was the fact that the moment we arrived, my demon form over took me.


I looked up at him and finally got to see what he looked like up close. He looked like a possessed human with the additional features of goat-like spiral horns, longer and sharper black nails, canine like teeth, red bloodshot eyes, a demon tail, and pale purple hair and a longer tongue. With the cute little coal tars surrounding him. I could admit that I found him very attractive.

Now that I think about it, I kind of look like him when I'm in my demon form. Long ears, tail, teeth and the horns but mine are smaller that his.

"Why exactly did you take me with you?"

"I'm unaware myself but I do have a slight idea, once I know for certain, I'll let you know."

I slowly nodded. "I have a slight idea on what the reason is. I feel it and so do you." He looked at me and I continued. "I'm going to assume that we're mates by the way we are feeling when we're next to eachother. That's why you brought me here with you, to make sure. Am I correct?"

Astaroth let out a chcukle. "You're a smart one, yes you're correct."

I let out a small smile and looked around. "I've never been to Gehenna before. Mephisto would never let me, claiming it would be too dangerous for me here."

"I hate to admit it, but I agree with him." Astaroth looked at me and held out his arm. "Shall we? As long as you stay by me, you will be safe."

End of Oneshot

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