Beactrice Bowers takes a Drag

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"Okay leg out and arm up." The photographer said. I counted to three and the camera clicked.
I sighed I had been here for about six hours and was extremely tired. I was to old to be doing this and I'm still here.
"God you're getting old Bab." I said at myself as I shifted my position. The camera clicked again and I let out a deep breathe.
"Ms. Bowers you have a phone call." My assistant Jeremy called.
The boy had just left college but made pretty good money.  I mean being a model assistant wasn't exactly a dream job and he still made pretty good money. He was a small in height but, was on plump side of medium.
"It's Beatrice and who's it from?" I asked. It was probably Henry's hospital.
"Derry, Maine. It's not a saved number." He said looking at the phone.
"Give it to me." I said putting my hand out.
I remembered Derry and I remembered my friends but some memories were hazy and confusing.
"Mike?" I said it into the phone knowing who it was.
"Yeah it's Mike. You gotta come home." Mike said into the phone.
"I'll be there. You gotta give me a couple...." I started.
"No, you have be here tomorrow." He said obviously in a panic.
"Alright I'll be there." I said.
I hung up the phone and looked around. I felt light headed and needed to sit down. My stomach had decided it didn't want to hold my lunch anymore and I knew to was about to throw up.
"Get me a trash can." I said doubling over. The lady quickly brought me a trash. I sat over the trash can gagging until finally I threw up.
"Ms. Bowers your lawyer's here." Jeremy pointing to the corner.
"How many time have I told you to call me Beatrice?" I said ruffling his  hair and walking away.
"Beatrice, Beatrice, Beatrice. You'll get everything in your name and most of the money from the divorce or you can try to work this out again. Ricky really thinks it'll work this time." Connor said explaining everything.
Connor hadn't changed much since we were kids. His hair was still in tight curls and his eyes held so, much hope and happiness. This man was more careful than the boy and often watched his back. He had gone to school to become a lawyer after seeing how much pain a bad lawyer could cause a family. Our family didn't have a lot of money when it came to Henry's trial but, than again it was pretty obvious he did it. The man had bulked up and always looked like shit.
"No give me the paper. This is the last thing I have sign and it's over." I ordered putting my hand out.
He handed me a pen and the paper.
"Why won't you try to work this out?" Connor begged.
"Connor we got married because of you and I told you then I didn't even love Ricky when we got married." I said signing the paper.
"You're never going to see that boy again." Connor said and I knew who he was talking about.
"Maybe not but, I'd rather keep looking for someone I love than not love someone I have." I mumbled signing the paper.
"You look like shit what happened?" Connor asked looking over at me.
"You got a cigarette?" I asked confused by this craving. I had stopped smoking twenty years ago.
"Yeah but, I thought you stopped smoking." He replied handing me the pack.
"I'm gonna back to Derry make sure Ricky doesn't know." I said lighting the cig.
I thought for a moment and let the thought of Derry come back. Aunt Birdie had made sure I went back at least once every year to 'see' Dad. He didn't love me and I didn't love him but, it was the only thing keeping me tied to the town I grew up in. Other than that I rarely went back to Maine. They wouldn't let me see Henry and for some I was seen as a danger to him even though I was the only person who could get him to talk normally.
"Ms. Beatrice. They want you to model the new Marsh line." Jeremy said handing me more papers, "and you're not supposed to be smoking it's bad for your appearance." The boy took my cigarette and put it out under his foot.
"Actually Jeremy I'm going out of town tonight can you hold down the fort for me. All you have to do is feed my cat." I explained sighing.
"Well I'm sure the photo shoot could wait. Is everything okay?" Jeremy asked examining the way I looked.
"Yeah just a problem with some old friends." I mumbled getting ready to pack my stuff.
"Beatrice, don't go back it's gonna be bad for you." Connor said looking up at me.
"You shouldn't sleep with other men it's bad for your marriage." I said sliding out the chair and looking around.
"How long will you be gone?" Jeremy asked looking at me.
"A couple weeks at most." I said walking to the changing room.
"A couple weeks?" The boy asked stopping outside the door.
"Yeah but it shouldn't be that long." I said sliding my hoodie on over my t-shirt. I needed to go home and pack but, I knew Mike needed me.
"How long will it take to get to Maine form here?" I asked through the door trying to do the math. If we were in New York now then it should only take like eight hours right.
"About eight hours." Jeremy called.
   I pushed the door open after changing my pants. I needed to leave and didn't have time to waste. I walked out ignoring the yells for me to finish the photo shoot. I drove home and for some reason could stop humming Come Sail Away. I hadn't listened to that song in forever. I sighed as an awful headache came to me. My mind was racing and for some reason the awful stench of sewage assaulted my nose. I pulled over and began to dig threw my glovebox, I always kept an extra pack of cigarettes in my car for Ricky.

"What the hell is that smell." I mumbled looking As I walk through the door signaling my school year was done I saw this kid yell after a girl.
"Please, don't go girl... it a name of another one of their songs." The new kid yelled out of Beverly Marsh.
"Hey, do you want someone to walk with?" I asked him kindly. The boy turned around obviously startle from not knowing I was behind him.
" Oh, yeah I'll walk you home." He responded obviously not knowing who I am.
I cringed knowing my brother bullied him like he bullied my other friends.
" No I'll walk you home I live too far to walk home. It'll be dark by the time you get home." I responded trying to save him form my asshole of a brother. I took his bike from him and started walking in the direction he seemed to be headed.
"It'll be faster if you walk this way." He pointed in the direction Henry and his goons were waiting.
"Henry's over there." I stated calmly.
"I'm Beatrice Bowers, what about you?" I continued walking.
"Ben Hanscom. You're a lot nicer that your brother." He said running to catch up with me. I nodded thinking about how true that statement was. I knew Henry was an asshole but, you can't choose your family now can you. Ben was sweet and kind hearted person who talked about anything to anyone who would listen.
"Where are you from?" I asked trying to strike up another conversation.
"No where interesting. What about you have you lived here your whole life?" He answered vaguely.
"Yeah I've lived in old boring Derry my whole life but when I turn sixteen I'm leaving." I answered wondering why anyone would want to move to Derry.

Poem (Ben Hanscom x Oc) sequelWhere stories live. Discover now