Helping Micheal Hanlon

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I had left early to see if Mike needed help doing anything before the ritual or whatever. It seemed like the least I could do, he had been the one to figure out a way to save our lives. I walked up to library and heard something fall.
"You got to be shitting me." I said as I slipped into the building.
Mike and Henry fell through a glass display case and suddenly I felt as if I was gonna die. The boys rolled around for a minute until Henry was in top of Mike.
"You should have burned, Mike. Just like your druggie parents. Can you see the yet? Crisping?" Henry asked as he attempted to stab Mike.
"Hey asshole." I yelled as my boot my contact with Henry's head. The man groaned as he stood up to fight me.
"Bitch." He called as he lunged at me. I flinched up and turned away from the man. I felt something wet hit my face and heard a thud as something hit the floor. I pull my arms away from my to see Henry in the floor with an ace in his head and Richie looking as if he was really gonna throw up.
"I guess you could say that was long overdue. Get it, cuz we're in a library..." He started to explained but, cut himself short as he leaned forward and threw up. I let out a heart wrenching sob as I grabbed my brother's dead body. You may not like your family but, you've got to love them. I felt the hot tears roll down my face as I hummed lightly trying to handle what I had just seen. I hummed You Are My Sunshine as my heart broke in my chest.
"Hey, oh my god."
"Are you alright?" Ben asked.
"No, I'm not all right. I just fucking killed a guy." Richie said pointing at Henry's dead body. His head was split in half in the back and I could see his eyes rolled back in his head.
"I was talking to Mike." Ben explained. Nobody else knew what to say and my heart felt like it was in my stomach. I started humming You are my Sunshine again as my stomach started to hurt.
"You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy when the skies are gray. You'll never know dear how much I love you please don't take my sunshine away." I saying as I brushed Henry's hair out of his face. I leaned over and threw up behind me and I felt the pain in my chest expand.
"Beatrice?" Eddie said putting his hand on my shoulder. His hand was warm but, the rest of my body felt cold.
"Don't touch me! Please, God don't touch me." I yelled snatching away.
"I'm sorry, Beatrice. I was scared, I thought he was gonna kill you." Richie tried to explained. People say you look like you're sleeping when you die but, I'd seen so many dead people I knew they were lying. You just looked dead. My dad looked dead. Betty looked dead at her funeral and Henry just looked dead. They was no peace in death just, dead and then darkness. My mind was spinning and then suddenly it just stopped. There were no thoughts just pain. Henry was my only real family I had left.
"Where's Bill?" Mike asked looking over the rest of us. Mike called Bill and we all waited.
"Bill, we're all out at the library. Where are you at?" Mike asked into the phone, "No, no, no, no, no. Just, just... Look just come here to the library. We can talk about the plan. No! No, no. Bill! Bill."
Bill hung up the phone and left Mike staring at it.
"What's wrong?" I managed to get the words out.
"He's going to fight it alone." Mike explained putting his phone in his pocket .
"What?" Richie asked looking down at his feet.
"Alone." Mike explained grabbing the basket thing. "It's about the group. The ritual doesn't work without the group. Doing it together is why it'd work."
Richie picked up the basket thing and was examining it. Mike snatched its from him like a child trying to get his toy back. The look that Richie gave Mike was like a hurt child. I hadn't sat up and I still had Henry's head in my lap. He was bleeding out in my pants but I didn't really care.
"Mike, did he tell you where he was going?" Ben asked.
"If he really wanted to kill Pennywise, there's only one place he'll go." Bev said softly making my heart sink. That awful house.
"The same place the ritual needs to preformed." Mike explained.
"Oh, we're not going like this, are we?" Eddie asked looking over at us.
"Fuck." Ben sighed as I continued to brush Henry's hair. I wasn't ready to let him go, not like this.
"Beatrice, we have to go." Bev said trying to get me to leave.
"No, I can't leave him here. He's all I got." I mumbled as I felt more tears roll down my face. My whole body hurt and I wasn't even sure why I felt like this. I hadn't seen Henry in twenty seven years. His sentence had made sure he couldn't see me in case he wanted to kill. The state had decided that it would be best for us to stay apart.
"Beatrice, we have to go get Bill." Eddie said grabbing my hand.
"Fuck you!" I yelled putting his head on his forehead. He hadn't got cold but, he wasn't warm either.
"He's  dead, Bab." Richie said trying to get me to leave. I knew Richie meant well but, he went about it wrong. He should've been a lot softer with the truth because I definitely wasn't ready for it.
"He's not dead, he's gonna wake up soon. He's just passed out." I said wiping the tears away form my eyes. I could still remember the many beatings Dad had given him that ended with him being passed out.
"We have to stop Bill." Bev said as she left the library. The pain in Ben's face was almost as bad with the pain in my heart.
"We can't leave her here." Mike said trying to get me to go. We needed to ritual to work and I was being selfish.
"She'll come to her senses just lever her here." Richie said patting Mike's shoulder.  He might have been right but, I didn't know. This was all that clown's fault and I couldn't even think about fighting it again.
"The ritual won't work if she's not there." Mike reasoned as the rest of the Losers' left. Mike wanted me to leave but, I couldn't bring myself to leave.
"She'll come." Richie said leaving Mike out of the library.  I sat in that library for God knows how long. I cried and cried as I let my heart out. The pain made me want to curl up and die. There was nothing worse than the way I felt right now.

Poem (Ben Hanscom x Oc) sequelWhere stories live. Discover now