Remembering Family....

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"It's better if I show you. We don't have much time. His cycle will end soon and once it does." Mike started.
"We're fucked." Eddie finished.
We walked through town and I honestly couldn't remember the last time I had felt like this. We passed the train tracks. We passed the barens. We passed the sand pipe. We had to stop so Eddie could roll up his pants, but of course it was Edward Kaspbrack. My feet hurt and I hadn't walked this much since we were kids. We walked through the woods to the clearing that I vaguely remembered.
"The barrens. This is where we came. After the rock fight." Ben mumbled.
"Yeah..." I whispered stepping forward next to Ben.
"The clubhouse." Richie said making me remember exactly where we were.

We sat in silence the only sound coming from the swing I sat on. The two of us sat in the clubhouse.
"What happened to us? We were all happy and then suddenly we weren't." Stan said breaking the silence.
"You wanna listen to some music?" I asked drooping my cigarette to the ground and squishing it under my foot.
"Yeah I guess." He said looking down. I stood up and walked over to the radio.
"How about some Journey? It's faithfully." I said grabbing a cassette of the table it sat on.
"Sure." He said fiddling with the buttons on his jacket. I slide the cassette in the radio and walked back over to Stan.
I bent down and stuck my hand out.
"May I have this dance?" I asked as Stan stared at me with big eyes.
"Alright." He said grabbing my hand.
My hand rested on his shoulder as he held the other one. His handed rested on my waist.
"Richie said something about you and Mike kissing last time we talked." Stan said starting a conversation.
"Really well I don't think that's any of his business." I said resting my head on his shoulder.
"I guess not but, what was it like? Kissing someone I mean." He explained shifting his hand.
"I mean it was alright." I answered not knowing how to answer. We danced in silence
"Hey! Where in the world have you been?" Richie voice said from the latch.
"Here." I respond letting go of Stan.
"Your parents are looking for you... I mean both of you." He said sliding through the hole.

"You built that for us." Bev smiled pointing at Ben as we all looked around.
"Yeah, the hatch has got to be around here somewhere." Richie said and we all instinctively started to look for it.
"You did. I do remember that." Eddie said and for some reason my eyes started to water.
"Oh." Bev said tripping over something.
"Woah! Woah!" Bill said catching her.
"You know what?" I actually think the door was more like.." Ben started.
"Ben!" I yelled trying to stop him from stepping on the door, "The door, It's right there."

"Bab what are you doing here?" Ben asked coming up beside me.
"I was going for a swim." I said lying and rubbing my neck.
"You don't have a backpack and you have a Walkman. You don't take that swimming." He said analyzing me.
"It's fine." I said going to walk off.
"You wanna hang in the clubhouse... I've got a jacket you could change into. It's a bit big but it's clothes." He questioned.
"That sounds great." I said dropping my bike again.
We walked in silence. We stopped in a clearing and Ben looked around at the ground.
"It's over there." I said pointing to the hatch.
"Thanks." He said grabbing the handle.
"What do you wanna be? When you get older." I asked looking at him.
"I don't know.. I kinda want to be an architect." He said looking around.
"You know what I love it." I said looking at the cassettes that laid abandon on the ground.
"What about you? You seem to have life planned out." He asked looking over at me with the most interested on his face than I had ever seen.
"A model. That'll probably won't work out though... with the way I eat and all." I said looking up at him.
"I think you're really pretty and your smile..." He said stopping abruptly.
"What's wrong with it?" I asked suddenly insecure.
"N-nothing. I'm just speechless." He said turning around to do something.
"Here's your jacket my lady." He said putting on a fake British accent.
"Oh no, you've been hanging out with Richie too much." I said laughing at him.
"You make it sound like a bad thing sweet cakes." Richie said coming down the ladder.
"Hey Richie. How you been?" I asked it had been way to long since I'd seen him.
"I've been alright. How about you two love birds?" He said sitting down next to me.
"We've been alright." I responded looking at the ground so Richie didn't see me blush. I looked up and Ben was starring at me with a tomato red face.
"Anyway tell me about this secret admirer." I said looking at Ben making him look down at his feet and smile.
"They left me a poem. I carry it around now... hoping I can find them." Ben said pulling about his wallet. A piece of paper fell out as he pulled out the letter. I picked up the piece of paper.
"Beverly Marsh?" I said handing him the paper.
"Ooooo Ben has a crush on Bev!" Richie said pushing Ben slightly.
"That's not true." He said as Richie slapped my back.
"Then why do you have her signature in your wallet?" I asked pushing myself off the ground.
"It's nothing really." Ben said putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Okay." I said trying not to look at him. He looked around the room trying to find a conversation.
"Did you write the poem?" Ben asked looking me square in the eyes.
"I don't write." I said pulling the jacket over my shoulders. Ben didn't move his hands so, they sat under the jacket.
"Oh okay." He said letting my shoulders go.
"You need someone to walk you home?" I asked as a smile came to his face.
"I'll walk you home." He said laughing.
"No I'll walk you home." I said rubbing my hand over my arm.
"No I'll walk you home." He said grabbing my hand.
"What about Henry?" I asked looking at him.
"I'll take a hundred days of Henry beating the shit out of me for just ten extra minutes with you." He said smiling and pushing some hair out my face.
"I'm still here you know." Richie said poking his head through the latch.
Me and Ben looked down and smiled.
"What a shame.. Richie ruined the moment once again." Richie said swinging his legs through the hole.
"We'll be up in a second." I said looking up at Richie.
"Oh okay get rid of Richie so you guys can make out. I think not." Richie said throwing a rock at my feet.
"We should probably go." Ben said walking around me.

Poem (Ben Hanscom x Oc) sequelWhere stories live. Discover now