Beatrice Bowers cries a lot

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The room was dark but, I had an odd sense Deja Vu. I had been here before and I wasn't sure where I was.
"Come home Bab." A voice said echoing around the room.
"Who are you? Where's home?" I asked not sounding like myself.
"Definitely not someone you want to see." The voice said again.
"What do you want?" I asked sounding like a child.?
"I need your help." The voice explained.
"No. I've spent my whole life helping other people." I explained standing up.
"Aww jeez. Well just so you know you can't help him. You never could you're just a dirty little Bowers." The voice said again.
"Help who?" I asked and suddenly red balloons filled the room. I noticed that one had writing on it.
"Stan." I read off of it.
I woke up in a cold sweat gasping. I knew that something was going to happen to Stan and needed to call him. If it hadn't been for him I would be dead and I knew that.
Me and Ricky had gone on a trip we were only going to be there for three days. I had wanted to tell him I was pregnant, he had always wanted kids. I hadn't packed his cigarettes because I figured he could just buy some more. Most of that night was a blur.
"Are you okay ma'am?" The man asked looking at me with the most concern I had seen in years.
The man was medium height with dark curly hair and dark eyes. He seemed so familiar that I just couldn't get them out of my head. He had a light blue sweater and a pair and kakis.
"What happened?" I questioned looking around.
"You and your husband fought last night and me and wife were staying in the next room." He explained.
"Stanley is she awake?" A women who I assumed was his wife questioned looking at him. The women had blonde hair that went to her shoulders and bright eyes that I could really see the color of.
"Of course Patty." Stan said nodding to me.
"I figure out what her name was. I told she looked familiar." The women said pulling out a magazine.
"Beatrice Bowers." Stan read off of the cover.
"Beatrice?" He asked stepping closer to me.
"Do I know you?" I asked staring at him.
"Stanley Uris." He said holding his hand.
"Ley!" I said recognizing him.
I had lost my baby and gotten a restraining order on Ricky. Ricky has walked right through it and made me get it trashed we had stayed married after that.
We had become friends after that and nothing had ever come between us. I walked downstairs to where I kept my phone. I moved the discarded Bill Denbrough book that seemed all to real. I could remember the young boy with the stutter and kind eyes.
I took small measured steps away for the group pretending I didn't hear footsteps coming up behind me.
"He's j-jj-just in a b-bb-bad mood." Bill showed up apologizing for Ed.
"I know but, it still hurt." I said trying to keep the tears from spilling.
"H-hhey calm down its o-okay." He mumbled taking me into his arms.
"Hey break it up she had a date today." Rich said coming down the alley.
It was around seven and my phone was half dead. I dialed Stan's number worried sick that he wouldn't be okay.
"Hey Beatrice." Patty greeted answering the phone.
"Hey Patty may I talk to Stan?" I asked sitting down.
"He's in the bath." Patty explained going to hang up.
"Patty it's important." I said as loud as I could.
"He'll call you later." She said.
"Please I'm worried about him." I yelled tears coming to my eyes.
"I'll go see if he'll talk." She said and I could hear her walking up her steps.
I dug around in my desk drawers looking for god knew what. My hand brushed my old Walkman I had kept for the soul reason of the cassette that was in it. I pushed that out of my way and found the old piece of paper I had kept. I sighed pulling it out I looked at the girl who stared back at me. Betty Ripsom.
"Stan?" I heard Patty asked grabbing my attention.
"What is it Patty?" He called back.
"Beatrice needs to speak with you." Patty answered innocently.
"Okay." Stan called. I heard water move and Stan's voice came across the phone.
"What's up?" He asked clearly not wanting to talk to me.
"Whatever you're gonna do, don't do it." I said tears flooding my eyes again. I couldn't lose him again we had gone through to much together.
"Look Bab, I'm taking a bath am I supposed to not wash?" He asked clearly not in the mood for bullshit.
"That not what I meant and you know it." I answered as confidently as I could.
"You know I'll call you later." Stan said as he hung up the phone.
"Fuck!" I screamed throwing my phone onto the couch across the room.
I sighed wiping the tears from my eyes grabbing the old Walkman out of the drawer. I ran my fingers across the play button and lightly pressed it.
Have you ever truly loved a women by Bryan Adams played softly throughout my living room.
I sat outside the Derry Town Inn, staring at the old place. A place I really didn't want to be, I smiled as a tall man with dark hair and glasses slipped out of a red mustang in the parking space next to me.

I woke to the smell of something sweet and a warmth up next to my body. I opened my eyes to see my nose buried in Rich's hair. I groaned wanting to regain feeling in the arm he was sleeping on but, not wanting to wake him up. I smiled looking down at the sleeping boy he look so peaceful and without his glasses his eyes were a normal size. His hair was a mess of cowlicks and frizz and his eyes were closed so tight you would think he was faking.

A small boy with dark unruly hair with coke bottle glasses, which were crocked, walked the across playground until him and his awkward friend that followed behind him reached me. The boys friend had blondish brown hair in slightly more tamed curls. I stared at them until the smaller one spoke.
"Hey you wanna come play with us in the sandbox?" The boy with darker hair asked.
"Richie tell her your name first." The bigger boy mumbled.
"Oh I guess you're right. I'm Richie Toizer and this is Stan 'the man' Uris." Richie said pointing at the boy behind him.
"Richie I told you not to call me that." Stan said rubbing his neck.
"I'm Beatrice Bowers." I said looking up from my doodles in my notebook. I saw the boys flinch away from. I knew that they had encountered my brother at sometime or another.
"Cool." He said sitting down beside me.
"I'm sorry. Sometimes Richie can be hyper." Stan said sitting down on the ground next to Richie.
"You said you wanted to play in the sandbox." I said standing up and holding my hand out.

"Richie." I said jumping out my car. I sighed knowing he hadn't heard me.
"Richie!" I yelled catching his attention.
"Do I know you?" Richie asked looking down at me.
"Rich it's me Beatrice Amy Bowers." I shouted a little louder than I meant to.
"Bab." He muttered taking me into a bear hug.
"God, you look like shit Rich. What happened to you?" I asked laughing.

Poem (Ben Hanscom x Oc) sequelWhere stories live. Discover now