Trapped with a Tanuki

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Requested by candycaneheart7! There WILL be some Tanyamao in this, so I'm letting you know now! Enjoy!

Adorabat's POV:

I woke up with a throbbing pain in my forehead. What . . . happened? I noticed that I was floating in a small but decently deep pool of water. I dizzily swim out the water and sit at the edge. I shook the water out my fur.

I look forward to see a whole row of dull and rusty jail cells. The memories flowed back to my mind. Mao Mao, Badgerclops, and I were in this dungeon.

Earlier . . .

"Keep your eyes open y'all," Mao Mao cautioned, "You never know what could jump out at us." He told me to stay on his shoulder in case something tried to grab me or hurt me. We were trying to find this special artifact that was being guarded by this super dangerous monster. It belonged to a ruler from another place, but we had to give it to Snugglemagne so he can give it back to them. 

"Mao Mao," I worried, "I know that I'm a bat and I'm suppose to be used to the dark, but this kind of darkness makes me . . . uneasy." Mao Mao smiled warmly at me.

"This is why Badgerclops's robotic arm has a light built inside of it. We'll be fine as long as his light is on." I looked at Badgerclops whose robotic arm was glowing all over with a bright, golden yellow. 

"I need to get it upgraded though. This light isn't bright enough," he reminded us. I sighed annoyingly.

"This dungeon must be HUGE! How are we ever gonna find that monster?" 

"Don't worry little dude. We'll find that monster, beat it up, get the artifact, and have celebration tacos." Mao Mao raised an eyebrow at him.

"Really? Celebration tacos? That's gotta be the most stupidest thing I've ever heard of! We should have celebration nachos." We turned a corner and I saw the faintest light at the end of the long hallway. That's where the artifact must be! I heard a roar that came from the light. 

"Guys! That's it!" I exclaimed as I unintentionally flew off of Mao's shoulder and towards the light. 

"Adorabat get back here! Something could pop out at you!" Mao Mao seethed as I heard him running to me. 

"It's okay Mao Mao! I'll be-"

"ADORABAT!" He grabbed me and shielded me as he slid onto the floor. I heard him yelp and cuss quietly. I looked up to see fire blasting from the ceiling. Luckily, it didn't reach all the way to the floor, but it must've gotten Mao Mao! The fire stopped and all I could hear was his heavy panting.

"M-Mao Mao...?" I asked hesitantly. I saw the light from Badgerclops's robotic arm and heard his fast footsteps.

"I'm okay Adorabat. It's just a burn that's all," he heaved. I heard him grunt softly as he got up slowly and swayed once he was on his feet. I flew up from the floor and looked at him anxiously as he kept swaying a little. Badgerclops gasped and lifted Mao's cape up.

"Mao Mao your back!" he shouted. I flew behind Mao and my eyes widened at the sight. Nearly his whole back was covered in a burn that was darker than his fur. The fur that got burned looked dry and brittle. I'm not sure how he can stand the pain he must be feeling! I flew in front of Mao Mao to see him flinching constantly while gritting his teeth. "Ugh! I left the medic kit at the house!" Badgerclops groaned.

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