Not me Anymore

510 11 52

Requested by Brachiozaur! Have fun watching the Sky Pirates be idiots xD

Oh yeah, there's some blood in this one-shot, but it's not that graphic. Letting you know now!

Third Person POV ('Cause it saves me from going back and forth from POVS):

Badgerclops was sitting on the rooftop of a building in Pure Heart Valley. He wasn't enjoying the view, though. He was thinking about Mao Mao and Adorabat. How they meant so much to him. How if they were hurt mentally or physically, he would rescue them.

He actually thought about Mao Mao more than Adorabat. Badgerclops liked spending the free time he had with him. He thought about one time where it was late in the night and they were watching TV. Mao Mao fell asleep and leaned on Badgerclops. He said Badgerclops's name unconsciously and hugged his side.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt his face getting hot and red. That was one of the moments he thought about that made him all tingly inside. He didn't know why and he didn't know how.

It just happened.

He was gonna think about it more deeply when he smelled a delicious, warm, and comforting smell in the air. Badgerclops went on the ground with his robotic arm and followed the smell. What he didn't know was that it was from a certain group of pirates that were up to no good.

Meanwhile, with the Sky Pirates at their grounded airship, they were waiting patiently for Badgerclops to come to their trap. Well, not all of them were waiting patiently. Orangusnake was observing the collar he was holding. It was metal and it was painted a dark, crimson red. "Come on come on! Where's that chunky badger at?! I must put this collar on him immediately!" Orangusnake whined.

He turned to Ramaraffe who was nibbling the crust of their delicious trap. "And Ramaraffe! Stop trying to eat the beignet! It's suppose to be the bait!"

"Duh sorry boss! It just smells so . . . good . . . ." Orangusnake wacked her metal neck with his holographic sword.

"Stop it! This is serious! Badgerclops needs to turn evil so that he can destroy that no good Mao Mao and Adorabat! Then, I can steal the Ruby and take over the world!"

"Uh," Ratarang asked, "don't cha mean we can steal the Ruby and take over da world?"

"Oh yeah! That's definitely what I meant!" Orangusnake chuckled nervously. The Sky Pirates heard heavy footsteps. "He's coming! Quick, hide!" The Sky Pirates hid behind some trees, all the while bumping into each other like the dummies they are.

Badgerclops appeared out of the forest he pushed through and gasped. He saw a huge beignet right in the open! He knew it was right outside the Sky Pirates' base, but he didn't care at all. Badgerclops went straight to the beignet and shoved it in his mouth. Orangusnake sneaked behind him and put the collar over his head.

Badgerclops's eye rolled to the back of his head and he dropped face first to the ground. The other Sky Pirates came out from behind the trees. Boss Hosstrich asked, "You know how that collar works right?"

"Of course I do! It's uh . . . it's on right?" Orangusnake puzzled.

"If the light's blinking white then yeah!" Ramaraffe gazed at the shiny collar.

"It's so shiny! Put it on me! Put it on me!" she exclaimed.

"NO!" Orangusnake snapped. "Stop getting distracted you fool! For the fiftieth time it's not yours!"

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