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Requested by venusaura! Enjoy! ^_^

"The monster alarm!" I hollered with excitement and determination. I've been practicing techniques with my smoke bombs! They're gonna be really helpful, especially for a dangerous monster like this one! When we got to the scene on the aerocycle, the beast had four ginormous tails and the body of a snake. Its scales were dark blue (not something you'd expect from a snake but whatever!) and it had huge fangs sticking out of its mouth!

"Alright team, you know the drill! Let's destroy this thing!" Mao Mao smirked. We spent a few minutes attacking the ugly beast with all our might. I used some of my smoke bomb techniques and they worked pretty well! I decided to do something risky and went to the front of the snake. I threw three smoke bombs into its mouth.

The only problem with that was the snake's mouth was still open after I threw the smoke bombs. Some of the smoke escaped from its mouth and covered me. I couldn't see! I couldn't see! Something might hit me at any second! What if I die?! No Adorabat, that's preposterous! You're not gonna die!

Suddenly, something hit the side of my head extremely hard. I immediately felt an unbearable pain and dizziness overcome me. I passed out and I escaped the pain.

Mao Mao's POV:

I gasped once I saw Adorabat get hit by one of the ginormous tails of the monster. For a second, I thought this was all a dream. No, it was reality. "ADORABAT!" I hollered as I saw her getting launched to the side and falling fast.

I ran as fast as my paws could go and leaped up to Adorabat as she was falling. I caught her in my arms and landed safely. I whipped my head to Badgerclops, feeling the sweat flick off my forehead. "Badgerclops try your best to get rid of that monster for now! Our number one priority is Adorabat!"

"Got it dude!" Badgerclops answered. As he disposed the monster with his handy robotic arm, I looked down at Adorabat. Oh god, I feel like I was gonna have a panic attack! This . . . this monster hurt my little deputy! I heard Badgerclops gasp next to me. "Mao we gotta bring her to a hospital!"

"R-right!" I stuttered. Don't worry Mao Mao, she's gonna be okay. Just try to calm down. Try, I thought. Badgerclops drove the aerocycle to the hospital while I held Adorabat.

We bursted through the doors in utter fear. We ran up to the nurse's desk. "This is Sheriff's Department! Our deputy got hit really bad by a monster and she needs urgent care NOW!" I yelled.

"Right away Sheriff!" the panda nurse nodded. A few minutes later, the doctors had us place Adorabat on a hospital bed. They told Badgerclops and I to stay in the waiting room until they can report what injuries she has. I refused at first, but Badgerclops told me to cooperate with them. I waited impatiently with him, constantly tapping my foot on the floor as I was sitting on the left side of him.

"What's taking them so long?! It shouldn't be hard to scan her and stuff!" I complained.

"Dude, its been like two minutes! I know you're super worried, but you gotta keep it together!" I rested my elbows on a table in front of us and put my head in my hands.

"Badgerclops she could have a serious concussion! Part of her skull might've chipped off! She could go MUTE!" I fretted. I felt Badgerclops touch my shoulder.

"Mao Mao-" Before he could say anything else, I shot my head up and swiped his hand away.

"Before you blabber on for 30 minutes trying to calm me down, I just wanted to say stop pretending like everything's okay! I'm about to have a full on meltdown and your comforting isn't gonna help! So just leave me alone!" I stormed. We both stayed silent for a moment, twiddling our fingers and such.

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