What the Future Holds

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Requested by Yumipoplove! This whole one-shot is some of what I think will happen in the future of MMHOPH! Also the last one-shot of this book. Stay tuned for the second book of this series!

Adorabat's POV:

I woke up hanging upside down on my usual middle bunk. Okay, everything seems normal, but I noticed that I seemed . . . taller? When I yawned my voice sounded different. Finally, when I got out of bed, my peg leg was robotic and my leg seemed tall as well! WHAT IS HAPPENING?! 

I also noticed the bunk bed was rebuilt to look slightly taller. Mao Mao and Badgerclops weren't in their beds, so they must be in the kitchen or something. I walked carefully to the mirror that was on the other side of the bedroom, trying to get used to my legs. I poked my head out to the mirror and it looked bigger! I hesitantly put my whole body in front of the mirror and gasped.

I have larger wings, a bigger torso, and I was as tall as Mao Mao! Maybe I was taller than him?! Who knows! All I know is that I'm going crazy and losing my mind! I decided to not freak out and I wobbled to the kitchen. I stared at Mao Mao and Badgerclops sitting in their chairs.

They looked slightly fluffier than before, with some of their fur sticking out. I don't think their height changed whatsoever. Mao Mao looked at me.

"Hey kid, you actually got up early for once. Usually you're sleeping until 1:00 PM or something," Mao Mao chuckled. His voice sounded a little deeper than before.

"Mao Mao," I asked, "How . . . old am I?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You're 17 Adorabat. Did you forget all of a sudden?" 17?! No wonder I'm so tall! Also, I fast forwarded 12 years?!

"Uh . . . yeah," I squeaked nervously as I got cereal from the cabinets. I made my breakfast and sat down uneasily. This HAD to be a dream. I HAVE to be dreaming since time can't go by this fast! "So . . . do you guys think any monsters will turn up today?" 

"What do you think? There's been a huge monster fest since two weeks ago! We still have no idea where they're all coming from!" Mao Mao exclaimed.

"Yup," Badgerclops added, "I'm about to drop dead from all the fighting I have to do!" Mao rolled his eyes at him.

"Get used to it big guy." Just as he said that, the monster alarm rang. Badgerclops groaned. I decided to pretend everything was perfectly normal.

"YES! MONSTER!" I yelled as I jumped out of my chair. Mao Mao smiled at me.

"At least you're always excited to fight monsters. You've always been like that ever since you were 5 years old." We all dashed to the aerocycle in the garage. "Don't forget your sword and your smoke bombs Adorabat!" Mao Mao noted. My eyes widened a little, but I needed to play along since they'll think something's wrong with me.

"Oh yeah! Where are they again?" 

"In the bedroom, obviously." I zoomed to the bedroom and beamed at the shimmering silver sword leaning against the wall near the bunk bed. It wasn't a katana, but it was still so cool! The hilt was yellow with a column of blue hearts on each side. I grabbed that and the smoke bombs were in a drawer. 

There was a belt next to it that had a decently large pocket attached to it. I quickly put the belt on and the smoke bombs inside the pocket.

I was pretty nervous as I haven't used a sword that much. I'm up for the challenge, though! I zoomed back to the aerocycle with the sword in my grip. That's when I noticed the size of it seemed bigger. Mao Mao and Badgerclops definitely noticed I was getting taller! We jumped on and zoomed to Pure Heart Valley!

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