Chapter 1

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This is my first ever fanfic I hope you enjoy it.
Italicized is thoughts
-Izuku's P.O.V-

I'm on my way to school Kacchan by my side. I'm glad he stayed my friend even after I told him I was quirkless and later on mute.

My mom and I are going to the park after we left the doctor's.  "I can't believe I'm quirkless, what will Kacchan think when I tell him or at least try to tell him?" I whisper quietly to myself. I've been slowly losing my voice and the doctors said sometime soon I'll lose it permanently.

We're almost at the park and I see Kacchan with his mom. He runs up to me and ask," Hey Deku how was the appointment ... wait why are you crying?"

"I-I'm quirk-kless K-K-Kacchan" I tell him while I continue to cry. " I-I guess w-we should stop b-bein-g friends. I-it will be b-bad-d on your r-eput-ation if you're fou-nd hanging with a-a q-quir-kless nobody l-like me."

"I said no. Just because you're quirkless doesn't mean I have to leave you."
" B-but Kacchan-"
" But nothing I'm not giving up on you Deku!"
" O-okay Ka-cchan."

Only a few days after that I lost my voice permanently.

*Flashback ends*
-Katsuki's P.O.V-

I looked over to Deku I ask him how his day was yesturday. In return he turns and quickly signs back a good and how are you before quickly looking forward again. "I'm fine you need" I reply.

I sometimes wish he didn't lose his voice when he was so young, I miss hearing it. Well there nothing we can do about it now. At least I learned sign language so I can somewhat communicate with him.

*Time slip to after school*
I'm waiting outside for the nerd come out, so we can walk home together. While I'm waiting I see this figure at the edge of the school roof and whisper to myself," that Deku?"

"Deku!" I run up the school stairs as fast as I can in order to reach Deku, but when I get there I see him ready to jump off. "WAIT DEKU!"
He doesn't turn and suddenly jumps off the building "NO!" I scream.

Well that's a wrap on the first chapter.
If you didn't like it tell me what I can change it improve.
Anyways untill next time.


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