Chapter 10

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-Izuku's P.O.V.-

Oh my gosh what happened?
I slowly open my eyes and they're immediately  hit with a blinding light. I quickly close my eyes to hide them from the light shining on me. After waiting a good minute or two I slowly reopen my eyes and wait for them to adjust. 

Gosh where am I, and why does my body feel so sore?  
I make an attempt to sit myself up, but pain and soreness overwelms me so I slowly lay back down. Looking to my right side I see a blurry image of a light yellow.
Hey that looks like Kacchan's hair.

Upon further investigation I come to the realization that it is in fact my friend's hair.
I look down to where my hands are laying and I see Kacchan and my hands are intertwined. A blush stats to creep up my face when I see that.

How did I not feel that when I woke up?
I slowly untwine our hands, and move my now free hand to shake Kacchan awake.



My face turns to one of fustration as I try to wake him up.
Come on. Why don't you wake up?

Finally after time not counted a groan is heard coming from the lump know as Kacchan. I silently watch as he sits up and stretches his arms first then starts stretching his back. He looks up and spots me staring at him and sleepily  says,"Oh....your awake." He then looks back down.

I continue to look at him before I see his eyes widen and a look of realization shows in his eyes. He looks up at me and happily replies,"You're awake!"
"Hold on let me go get Recovery Girl." He then leaves me.

Is that the name of the nurse here?

*3 minutes later*

Seems that my question is answered when Kacchan comes back, but this time with an old lady. She told me that I'm free to go, but I need to be more careful when I use my quirk. She explains that my health seems to be slowly depleting and whatever happened earlier caused it to drop a bit.

As if I didn't know that I have a darn health collar on for Pete's sake.
All in all though she seems like a nice lady. I hope I won't have to bother her too much with my injuries when if get into U.A (Hehe), if I get accepted into U.A.

Once were dismissed from her office Kacchan and I start making our way to our houses. Half way from our houses he decides to speak up.
"Deku....," He says weakly looking at me,"I told you not to over use your quirk. Who knows how long you have left to live now."

~Kacchan I had to do something, I needed to save that girl~ I sign. ( I'm using '~' to show when Izuku signs now)
"That doesn't mean you have to use 100 percent of your quirk, which apparently can shorten your life, to do that! You could have tried to use less when you decided to punch that thing. It would of caused less damage to you."

~Kacchan I know, but I didn't have much time to think of what I was doing, I just.......reacted~ I weakly sign to him.

"It's fine just please don't do that. I can't imagine losing you. Not now not ever."
While he's saying that I see his eyes become glazed.

~Alright~ I smile genially to him. ~I won't Kacchan~
We soon arrive to my house and we say our goodbyes to each other.
"Bye nerd see you soon. Don't forget to text me when you get your letter."

~Bye Kacchan, I'll make sure to text you, or maybe I can go over to you house, or maybe you can come over to my house-~

"Alright Deku I got it no need to keep going on. Bye."
He walks off into the direction of his house while I open the door to my house and go inside.

Alright so I wish I could make this chapter longer since it feels super short to me. But alas I haven't updated in a long time so might as well do a short one than a long one and take longer to publish


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