Chapter 5

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Alright here is the 5 chapter.
Please comment I'm lonely.

-Katsuki's P.O.V-

"Hey! Hey! Hey...Uh. Thank goodness."
"W-what?" I get up and look around confused. I see the skinny blond guy from earlier and then I look next to me and see Deku getting up also.

"Oi what happened to the villain?" I ask.
Deku turns to me then gives me a shrug.
"My success here is all thanks to you young boy. I've contained the villain!"
He shows two bottle, both filled with some sort of dark green liquid.
"Hey you" I point to the skinny man," was it my imagination or did you turn into All Might."

"Yes that is correct young boy." He answers me as he transforms into All Might.
I scoot back in shock as does Deku.
He then turns back to his original form.

"Now my boys you now know one of my greatest secrets. You have seen what I truly look like so let me explain, "All Might turns his eyes to me before replying," Five years ago I had a fight with a villain. It was never broadcasted to the world, it was only between me and him. I won but it was at a price. He left a forever lasting wound on my side-," he lifted up his shirt showing a nasty scar that was on the side of where his stomach was supposed to be. Izuku and I quickly look away not being able to stand the sidght of it. He puts his shirt back down," -my respiratory system was nearly destroyed, and my stomach was removed. I've wasted away because of all the surgeries I had to go through in order to save me. As a result this happened and at most I can work a total of three hours a day before I have to resort to this from."

"I'm- I'm so sorry. Was it the attack from Toxic Chainsaw? You said it happened five years ago was it him?" I say without even realizing it.
"No my boy, that low life could never do this to me."

"And you over there the green, curly haired boy. You are worthy enough to inherit my quirk!"
Wait is he serious.
I see Deku quickly gets up and shake his head frantically while trying to sign a 'no' to All Might.
"Um kid what is he saying, I don't know much sign language."

"Oh......well he's saying 'why would you offer your quirk to someone like me All Might. Not only am I quirkiness, but I'm mute and have this sickness that will never go away.'"
Deku quickly lowers his uniform collar in order to show All Might his health collar. Just as quicky he pulls him uniform collar back up to cover it.
Oh I forgot about his illness.

"Nonsense my dear boy and please call me Toshinori, not All Might when I'm in this form. You proved to me you are worthy, you a quirkless boy without anything to use to fight spurred me into action with your courage. If not for you I wouldn't have been able to capture this fiend. Now let me say and ask you again, you are worthy to inherit my quirk, will you accept it?"
Deku slowly but surely nods.

"Good, now one more thing or maybe a few. As you two know my quirk is able to be inherited, yes?"
We nod.
"Well this quirk is called One for All. I won't tell you the origin of my quirk right now, but soon I will tell you both.  He turns into his All Might form and then back to his normal. "I can only do my hero work for about three hours before I have to turn back as I mentioned before. But that won't happen to you when you inherit my quirk."
I turn to Deku, "Hey nerd are you good with this?"
He nods.

"Okay, All Mig-.....I mean Toshinori, Deku accepts."
"Great now ur......"
"His names Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya and my name is Bakugo, Katsuki Bakugo."
"Ah yes thank you, young Midoriya your training starts next week."

Well this chapter is a bit shorter than my others.
Any how I hoped you liked it if not please tell me what I can correct and I'll see if I can fix it.
Your author
-Kat <3

Your author-Kat <3

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