Chapter 6

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Hewo here is the 6th chapter.
Hope you enjoy

-Izuku's P.O.V-

A week has passed and Kacchan and I are on our way to meet All Might at the beach.
Once we arrive, we see all might in his true form waving yo us to come over.
"Hello young Midoriya and young Bakugo!"
"Hello Toshi" I sign.
"I'm sorry, I need you to teach me sign language to be able to understand you. Young Bakugo what did he say?"

"He says 'Hello'" Kacchan tells him.
"Well okay, young Midoriya  from here until  the entrance exams for U.A. You will training with me and hauling out all this trash that has covered this beach."

"Wait you want Deku to clean up all this trash up even with his sickness?" Kacchan asks worridly.
"Yes that is correct."
"Alright nerd can you do this? Do you have your pills with you?"
I nod.
"Okay I'm not leaving your side though just invade something happens. Got that nerd."
I nod again.
"Alright let's start!" All Might says.

*Time skip to two weeks before the entrance exam*

-3rd person P.O.V-

The past nine months have been Izuku with cleaning up the beach, keeping a diet, and waking up early to train his body to become stronger. He has vomited blood up a few times due to his sickness, but Kacchan was there with him all the time ready with his pills.

While All Might helped train Izuku in order to make his body a suitable vessel for One for All. Izuku and Katsuki helped All Might learn sign language, in order to understand Deku better.

- Izuku's P.O.V-

"Young Midoriya you have finished with cleaning this beach and I believe you are ready to inherit my quirk."
"Are you ready?"
I nod .

"Good now here, EAT THIS!"
"Hahaha I can tell by the loom on both of your faces that you are confused, correct?
Kacchan and I slowly nod.
"Okay let me explain. It doesn't what you eat. As long as you get my DNA!"
Oh......well I wasn't expecting that.

I take his hair, put it in my mouth, and eat it. I turn to look at Kacchan and I see he has a face of disgust.
"It may take a while for the quirk to set in , so for now both of you are free to go home. Come back tomorrow after school so you can practice using your quirk because it will be hard at first."

"Bye All Might, see you tommorow." I sign
"Bye young Midoriya and young Bakugo see you tommorow as well."
After we left the beach me and Kacchan walk home together until we reach my house.
"Bye nerd see you tommorrow."
"Bye Kacchan." I sign back.

I go inside and greet my mother then walk to my room and lay on my bed. Suddenly I start coughing until blood comes up while I cough.
Dumb sickness. Now where are my pills.....oh there.
I grab my pill bottle at take one.

My mom calls me down for dinner and I greet her again when I reach the kitchen.
"How was your day sweety" she asks.
"Oh it was great." I sign. How am I going to yell her a suddenly have a quirk? Dang it I didn't think about that.
No time to worry about that tight now.
I quietly eat my food (Since he can't talk owo). When I finished I quickly sign my mom a goodnight and head to my room.
I lay down and slowly drift off to sleep thinking of the next coming day.

Well that's a wrap on the 6th chapter.
Hope you enjoyed it if not tell me what I can improve on.
After this chapter it may take a while to post another one since I'm going to try and make the next one longer than all the rest.
Until next time
Your author
-Kat <3

Until next timeYour author -Kat <3

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