Chapter 4

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Okay this is my forth chapter of this book.
Hope you enjoy it.

-3rd P.O.V-

Kacchan and Deku are both on there way home from school. While walking they decide to take a short cut under a bridge and meet a skinny man with messy blond hair. As they keep walking they come closer to the bridge which little do they know holds a villain hiding in the shadows waiting for it's prey.

-Katsuki's P.O.V-

"So Deku how was your day, besides all the whispers about your mute and quirkless self."
"Oh it was good Kacchan, thanks for helping me back there by the way" he signs in return.
"Anything for you nerd" I reply.

While we contimue walking I suddenly feel this dread in my stomach like something bad is going to happen. I look at Deku and see he feels it too. As soon as that moment passes I see a slime or blob come out of the sewer and head towards us.

" NOW!" I yell to him.
He thankfully gets far enough (for someone who's sick) but I'm not so lucky. The slime villain catches me and slowly starts to suffocate me. I see Deku coming back around to help me, but I know he can't help me with this. I watch as he tries his best to help me, to get me out but he's failing. Suddenly he stars to cough up blood.

Wait what.....oh that must be from his sickness. I try to tell Deku to leave me, to save himself as I slowly lose conciousness. Then this man that we saw earlier comes running to us, but then something weird happened. I don't know if it's from the lack of oxygen, I'm going crazy, or did he just transform into All Might?!

Well no time to worry about that now I feel like I'm going to die, I hope I don't but what else can I do now. As I start to see black dots in my vision I faintly hear the words "TEXAS SMASH".

-Izuku's P.O.V.-

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Kacchan I need to save Kacchan, but how I don't have a quirk what good am I at helping him. Even though I know I can't do much I still try my best to peel the slime monster off my best friend.

"No point in trying that. I'm fluid , you see!" The villain says.
I still won't give up. I won't give up on you Kacchan!
I then see the blond guy from earlier running up over to us and then I see him transform to ALL MIGHT?! Wait how does that-, what?

I hope he can save Kacchan, please do.
"Not to fear. Why? CUZ I AM HERE!"
"TEXAS SMASH!!" and then everything goes dark.

That's a wrap to the forth chapter.
Hope you enjoyed it, if you didn't please tell me what I can fix and I'll try to fix it.
Thank you
Your author
-Kat <3

Thank youYour author -Kat <3

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