Of course we all know that when we wolves are old enough, we are trained or taught how to hunt, fight and fend for ourselves. It is a really long process to do, especially with only one parent. Father tries desperately to teach us all at once, which I have to say, was an epic fail to be honest. So he went from teaching us one by one, and he taught me first because not only am I the strongest, but it is very important to our safety and the capability of our pack. I found out that I'm a quick learner cause before I know it Fathers barking excitedly "Your done with your training now! Now I have to train your brother and sister". So he trained Dale for about a year, and sister for another. I only took half a year to train, pretty soon we were hunting and play fighting.
The Only Winged Wolf
WilkołakiA pup is born, but this isn't an ordinary pup. This pup has wings, she grows up being made fun of for being different. She finds her "love" only to be brokenhearted. She thinks she'll never find her love but after she's badly hurt, she is rescued by...