Chapter 3

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"Okay Ms. Lance, let's begin." Esrin said as she led Sara further into the sanctum.

"What is that thing?" Sara asked as she saw the Khushu Idol.

"This handsome gent is a Khushu idol. They're very rare. Damien Darhk is the only other person I know of to be in possession of one." Esrin said.

"This is what gives Darhk his magic?" Sara asked, even though she knew better.

"This is what channels Darhk's magic. Darhk's power comes from death." Esrin said.

"The more people he kills, the more powerful he becomes?" Sara asked, even though she already knew this.

"Indeed. And since I doubt you'd be able to kill enough people to counter Damien's current level of magic, even if you wanted to, there is another way." Esrin said.

"Everything has an opposite. If Darhk is channelling what I can only guess is dark magic, then I need to be able to channel the opposite." Sara said and Esrin nodded.

"Indeed. What you need to learn is how to use Luz del Alma, the light of the soul." Esrin said.

"Light magic." Sara said and Esrin nodded.

"You're a quick study." Esrin said.

"This is not the craziest thing I've heard over the past 4 years." Sara said.

"I don't doubt that. Anyways, if you can channel Luz del Alma, you will be able to repel Darhk's magic." Esrin said.

"So how do I do that?" Sara asked.

"The tattoo I gave you will allow you to channel Luz del Alma. However, learning this is not easy. If the darkness inside you is stronger than the light, you will end up fueling Darhk's magic instead of repelling it." Esrin said.

"I have to try. How do I do this?" Sara asked.

"Focus on the light in your life." Esrin said and Sara nodded.

"I'll hit you with a low does of Darhk's magic to start out." Esrin said and Sara nodded as she took a deep breath as Esrin hit her with dark magic, but to her relief, it didn't work on her as her eyes glowed yellow.

"Good, that could've just been beginner's luck. Let's take it up a notch." Esrin said as she hit Sara a larger dose of the magic.

At first, Sara was overwhelmed by the darkness of all her previous lifetimes as she saw some of the worst moments of her life pass her by. Her own death, watching her father die, losing Rip and every other thing she'd ever endured. She thought for sure she'd be overwhelmed by it, when suddenly, she heard someone's voice telling her to hang on. Then she recognized it. It was Ava's. Then Sara began to focus on her memories of Ava. Her memories as a Legend and all the joy she had in her life. With that, Sara focused and she could feel the darkness leaving her as she repelled it.

"Well done." Esrin said, impressed when she finally let up on Sara.

"That was intense." Sara said as she panted and fell to her knees.

"But you did it. You managed to channel Luz del Alma. I honestly didn't think you could do it." Esrin said.

"Neither did I. I thought that darkness would overwhelm me." Sara said.

"But you fought back. That's more than most who've attempted this have." Esrin said.

"So am I ready?" Sara asked.

"Only you can know that." Esrin said.

"Now I need to find Darhk." Sara said.

"I can help you with that. He's in Markovia." Esrin said.

"Where?" Sara asked.

"I cannot say where exactly, but that is where you can start your search for him." Esrin said.

"Thank you. For everything." Sara said, since she hoped that now that she'd mastered the necessary magic, she would be able to not only get her freedom from the League, but also save her sister from dying at the hands of that bastard.

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