Chapter 16

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Snart couldn't help but notice how different Mick was since the brain dump. He seemed more focused, less chaotic, like an actual team player. And he decided to get to the bottom of it.

"What do you want Snart? I told you we're not happening again." Sara asked when he pulled her aside.

"Relax, I want some answers about Mick." Snart said.

"What do you mean?" Sara asked.

"He's different than I remember him. More focused, like the animal who wanted to let the world burn was tamed." Snart said.

"He's not an animal, he's a Legend. And there is a lot more to Mick than you realized. All you've ever seen in him is a maniac who loves fire." Sara said.

"Am I wrong?" Snart asked.

"There's more to him than that. You say he's your partner, but how well do you truly know him besides your criminal careers? If there is one person on this ship I trust to have my back and follow my orders when he needs to, it's Mick. After you died, he changed, he grew up. Don't get me wrong, deep down, he's still that same crazy arsonist he was before, but now, he's learned that there is a time and a place to let it loose. While I wouldn't necessarily call him a hero, because he'd hate that, he's not a criminal anymore either. He has some form of honor." Sara said.

"I never thought I'd see the day." Snart said.

"You should ask him about Rebecca Silver. I'm sure he'd love to tell you about her." Sara said with a smile, internally telling Gideon to record that so she and the other Legends could laugh at it later.

"Who's Rebecca Silver?" Snart asked.

"She's someone that Mick became close to after you died." Sara said with a sly grin as she walked away, leaving Snart curious on just how much he'd missed.

Mick was currently drinking a beer in the galley when Snart approached him.

"What do you want?" Mick asked.

"You seem different then I remember you. People actually trust you onboard this ship." Snart said.

"Your point?" Mick asked indifferently.

"What happened to make that happen? Last I remember, everyone on this ship treaded around you carefully." Snart said.

"The simple answer, is you died. I had a tough time with it at first, but eventually, I moved forward and began to work more with the team." Mick said.

"Sara suggested as much. She also mentioned someone called Rebecca Silver." Snart asked and Mick's head shot upwards.

"I'm gonna kill her." Mick said.

"Okay, who is Rebecca Silver?" Snart asked.

"None of your business." Mick said as he stormed past Snart and towards the bridge where he found Sara flying the ship.

"You had to tell Snart about Rebecca?" he asked.

"Honestly, I just wanted to see how you'd react. Relax, I didn't tell him who Rebecca Silver is, just that she was someone close to you." Sara assured him.

"Great, because the last thing I need is him digging into me about that." Mick said.

"You know Mick, if Snart really is your friend, you should tell him. Trust me when I say that secrets don't usually end well for the person keeping them. You got your best friend back. Don't lose him over this. I know that emotions aren't your thing, but we both remember how much you missed Snart after he died." Sara said.

"Maybe. But at the same time, he's got to be willing to accept that I'm not the same person I was before he died. I'm not sure how he'll react to me having a mind of my own." Mick said and Sara chuckled.

"You'll figure it out." Sara said.

"I hope so. Snart still sees me as the person I was before he died and while I'll admit, that guy was a lot more fun, he's not who I want to be anymore." Mick said.

"Good, because otherwise I'd have to eject you into space." Sara said.

"I know." was all Mick said in reply as he walked away and Sara resumed her duties as captain as Zari and Professor Stein entered the bridge.

"Captain, I believe we may have found something to help us disable the Oculus." Stein said.

"Gideon, call a team meeting. I think we should all hear this." Sara said.

"Right away Captain." Gideon said.

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