Prologue: Part two (Until death do us part)

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Prologue: Part 2

7 years later:

Sheryl and Steve stood, caged in the middle of a circle of angry, shouting people.

Sheryl could hear her fellow pack members that she had had lunch with, had babysit her daughters, people she had been friends with, yell at her and her husband with rage in their voices.

Although there were almost twenty people, Sheryl could distinctly hear them saying two words over and over; ‘Murderer’, and ‘Betrayed’, along with many other hurtful and disgraceful words.

'Do they really believe what they see?' Sheryl wondered outraged. 'They couldn't! They know my husband and I would never do such a thing!'

"You killed him!" Everywhere there were accusations. Sheryl's ears were ringing because her pack members voices were so loud. 

'Was the scene that believable? So well set up, so well framed, that my best-est of friends would deceive me?' Sheryl thought outraged.

She thought back to where it all happened a few moments ago. The forest, so green and lush had been tainted with the blood of yet another war between the Nebraska Narrows and the Dakota Sinisters, but this time, the blood was of Alpha Smith's-alpha of the Nebraska Narrows.

 After the first war that was seven years ago, the Dakota Sinisters fled back to their home where they mourned for the loss of their Alpha-Alpha Drake, but not long after, his death was forgotten and the fighting and challenging had started to see who would be the next alpha since Alpha Drake never married and never had a son. 

The people who arose to the challenge fought ferociously against each other for the title of alpha, and at the end, the winner had been the alpha's previous beta, the second in command.

A whole new era came with Alpha Michael. Children, girls and boys alike were forced to start harsh trainings at a young age and there were punishments for people who misbehaved. The smallest step out of line and there were consequences. That's why the Dakota Sinisters had ultimately won the second war.

Wolves from the Nebraska Narrows pack were falling fast as soon as the Sinisters reached their territory. It was a surprise attack lead by the new alpha-Micheal Andrews. 

No one from the Narrows pack expected it and soon their numbers in fighters fell so low that women had to intervene and fight their best even though they haden't been trained to fight a day in their lives. Children were held  deep underground in safe cells for their protection.

In the end there were only a handful of men left, the beta- Gary, and twice as many women who were mourning for the loss of their mates in the Narrows pack. Of those few people Steve and Sheryl had just happened to be alive and still fighting side by side, covering each others exposed backs. 

When they had come across a small clearing in the woods where they found their alpha struggling to keep up the fight against Alpha Michael, they stopped at the edge of the clearing, startled.

Alpha Michael's large Black wolf head had snapped up to Sheryl and Steve. A threat had laid embedded in his eyes, saying that if they took one step closer then their alpha was going to die. Alpha Smith swayed and fell to the ground, while Alpha Michael was distracted.

Sheryl and Steve had heard the familiar thrumping of wolf paws from their own pack running towards the clearing.

Unfortunately, Alpha Michael did too.

In one swift, unexpected movement he had ripped through Alpha Smith's neck with his almost two inch long teeth. A pain filled howl filled the air and at that moment Steve and Sheryl could almost feel the utterly excruciating and unbearable agony Alpha Smith was in. It didn't last long though, because seconds later the howl began to become week and ultimately cut off completely. 

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