Chapter 2: Who knew?

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Ayden's P.O.V

"Come on, son. Wake up. It's time for your run."

Son? No. My father died four years ago. Impossible. But of course, I let hope get this best of me and cracked my eyes open. Only to see Gary, my Beta. Oh yeah, I am the Alpha. Alpha at 21. Who would've guessed? I was launched from my teenager party years into all the responsibilities of an alpha when my dad died. Murdered actually; by those traitors that pretended to be in alliance and in our pack since their son was killed in my dads presence; Steve and Sheryl.  He couldn't have done anything though, he was helpless. But did they listen to him plead, beg for his life?  No. 

It's hard to imagine that their daughters live here in the house with Gary and I. They moved in about the same time I did. I have never seen them. I've avoided them at all cost. Why? Because I feel that if I were to confront them, something big would happen. And I don't want anything else to change. I've had enough change in the last four years. That's why I don't want a mate. I don't want to have to change or adjust anything for her. I'm almost to tolerating my life now.

I got up, but the banter in my head continued. I pulled on my running shoes, jogging shorts and a regular T-shirt from the drawer. I've ran every morning since day one when i moved in here. It relaxes me, and for that hour that I'm running, I can forget about everything, and focus on the pain in my legs as I sprint. 

That and the fact that the girls are just being woken up by Gary, and they are running around the house doing chores and getting ready for school. When I get home, they're gone and all is quiet. I like it like that. I've become quite the reserved person since he died. I lost all my friends, and even though I see Gary everyday, I do not consider him a friend, just an uncle.

I set out of the front door after stretching and sprinted off, hearing a clang from the house as I entered the woods. I shook my head as a smile played at the corner of my lips, Gary was so clumsy.

Rosalie's P.O.V 

I awoke to a not so harsh awakening by Gary. I guess Ayden was still in the house, or Gary was just excited about my exile today. When I had finally come to about half way through the night from Garay's beatings, Roxy was clinging onto to me crying as hard as I had ever heard her cry before. "What's wrong?" I had asked her. "You don't remember?" came her hoarse reply. "Gary is exiling you today." She had tightened her arms around me and cried harder still. It had all came back to me then, and I silently excepted my fate, and waited to give her my speech of departcher at the scene of my exile so she could go back to sleep.

"I said get up! Get out of bed and prepare for your exile. I have made special rules for your special occasion." He paused to smile evilly. "You will take nothing but the clothes on your back, you may not say goodbye to the few friends you have." And he made his way over to the door to leave. I stared in disbelief, everyone who was exiled was able to take a pack with food and clothes in it! Before he could leave I said "You're a cruel, evil man." I was surprised at how much venom came with the sentence. It was nice. I smiled to myself. He kept on walking to my amazement, but I could soon hear his angry foot falls returning. Roxy started shaking next to me. She had awoken. 

His face appeared in the doorway, and in his hand, he held a metal frying pan. This was going to hurt I told myself. Brace for it. Gary heaved the frying pan back with his arm, all the while I kept an enraged glare with his eyes. That scowl was on his face, but a snarl was on mine. The metal connected to my cheek, and I was out, but I had held my ground. The last thing I heard was the frying pan drop to the ground and clang loudly against the wooden floor.

I woke for the second time today from passing out. I've been doing that a lot lately. 'You wont be waking up like that for much longer. We can leave!' My wolve's encouraging words did nothing but make my heart drop. How could I have forgotten? Roxy would be left here! With no one to protect her! I couldn't do that! I have to make a plan. I was to be exiled today I think. I feel sure that I didn't stay unconscious for a whole night, in fact, I'm sure Ive only been out a few hours. Every minute counts though, as I would have to make a plan for Roxy to escape, and how I was going to tell her said plan without being overheard.

I scan my bedroom to look at my clock, and in my search, I don't find Roxy among the small space. I listened intently, trying to hear if she was anywhere in the house. She wasn't. No one was. Shit! Gary must've taken her to the site of the exile. I heard his voice in my head 'you will not be able to say good bye to your friends.' He wouldn't! 'You know he would,' my wolf reminded me. She was right, he would.

I sprung out of bed, and was generously reminded of the hits Gary had inflicted upon me the last day and collapsed to the floor in pain. Groaning, I crouched to get up and gradually made it back to my feet. I looked down at myself and saw I was still wearing the same clothes I was yesterday, so I quickly grabbed a pair of tennis shoes and sprinted painfully out, wincing with every step. When I was out of the front door, I headed straight for the fields. That's where the exile took place. I had to get to Roxy before it started.

And it started in 10 minutes.

It was when i was halfway to the field when I was interrupted by heavy footsteps falling behind me. I tried to quicken my pace, but they were too fast. I weaved through low branches as I was going through woods now, and heard them crash through them behind me. So much for saving the environment I thought. While my thoughts were sidetracked, my toe got snagged on a branch and I went down, landing and skidding with a 'Umph'.

The footsteps wasted no time in retrieving me. My face was sill in the dirt, and I realized I earned a few more scarres and scratches. I must look disastrous, but i couldn't care less right now. Someone rolled me over rather harshly and stared me in the eye. A man, two actually from the pack. When they saw my face they both sucked in air through their teeth. I recognized them both, saw them from a distance almost every day. They had always wore similar masks of disgust. The same masks that pretty much the whole pack wore towards me. But I could tell it wasn't a mask, they truly felt disgusted with me. Why? I don't know, no one will tell me. For a split second i saw sympathy in their eyes, but it quickly vanished. The one that rolled me over heaved me up by my unhurt shoulder. The other had been ripped out of its socket from last night.

"Beta Gary told us to collect you for your exile. He said you were to bring nothing but the clothes on your back." He told me. I couldn't remember his name, but I guess it doesn't matter now.

"I have nothing, I promise." I whispered.

"Come along then, the beta with search you at the field."

I dropped my head, but there was no way I was done fighting. I was going to talk to my sister if it was the last thing I did. We began walking, he still had his giant hand wrapped around my upper arm. He was at least a foot and half taller than me, and he had about 100 pounds on me too. Ok, so there was no way I was getting away from him. I'd just have to think of another way. 

We were quickly approaching the field and I had yet to think of a plan. I couldn't get this moron off me, so I knew I would have to wait till he released me, and that will only be when we get to the field, then I would be surrounded by hundreds of people from the pack, more than half of them being of bigger mass than me. I continued to strategize as we walked and again, but no solutions rose to the surface of my brain. 

 C'mon, Rosalie, time's running out! Think, think, think! We were nearly to the field, I could clearly see the people of our pack gathered in a hollow circle. In the middle, Gary stood, talking to, by the looks of it, a young man not much older than me. His back was facing me, and as Gary stood across from him, his eye caught mine. And i swear, I've never seen a smirk so malicious. Behind Gary, stood two more men from the pack, each holding an arm of the reason I put up with all of Gary's crap, and maybe even life. Roxy looked terrified, looking up at the men who towered over her. And from what I could hear, as my gate quickens, is her begging the guards to speak to me one last time. Tear wove never ended river down her cheeks, and spotted the collar of her green shirt. 

It was then my attention was snapped back to Gary. The young man had turned, having seen Gary's prominent smirk. 

And all of the sudden, I had two reasons to put up with Gary's crap, and once again, maybe even life. That is, until the young man, who still held eye contact with me took on a look so devastating familiar, so depressing heart breaking, that my step faltered and I nearly tripped.




My mate hates me, and I have no clue why.

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