Chapter II: Darkness

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The ragtag team of Rebels lay low on their stomachs, hidden under vines and ground-covers. Because the droids physically could not do the same, they stood a few feet away beneath the hill where they would not be spotted.

Leia brought the macrobinoculars up to her eyes. The distant Imperials became clearer. Stormtroopers and Imperial Survey Corps were frantically packing up a small shuttle.

"They're evacuating the base. They probably already know that the Empire is crumbling and are rendezvousing with what's left of it," Leia reported, handing the macrobinoculars to Han.

"There's only one shuttle. We can take 'em," Han agreed confidently. "Luke, can you feel... sense, whatever... anyone inside?"

Luke reached out into the Force. He could feel the handful of lifeforms loading the Imperial shuttle. Their energy was almost as bright and alive as his friends' when he sensed them on the ship earlier, but they flickered with panic and confusion.

He stretched forth with his feelings toward the base—more like a citadel actually. A frown crossed his face. He couldn't feel anything from the tall, dark structure. It was possible there was no one inside, but it felt like something was resisting the Force. Like a bubble pushing him back.


"Nothing," the Jedi responded, opening his eyes. Perspiration glistened on his forehead. "I can't feel anything from the base."

Han nodded. "Good." He continued on, missing the worry in his Force-sensitive friend's tone. "The Troopers are obviously not expecting an attack. Their blasters are holstered with the safety on. We have the element of surprise."

"Until you give us away," Leia deadpanned, reminding them all of when Han and Chewie tried to sneak up on some Scouttroopers on Endor and Han gave them away by stepping on a dry twig.

Han shot her a withering look and didn't comment. "You and Luke can take them from behind while Chewie and I cut them off from their base. Once we have them surrounded, R2 will hack the shuttle so no stranglers can escape, then call for a Rebel ship for pick up."

"Sounds like a plan, General Solo. When did you get so good at that? I really didn't take you for the type."

"Shut it, kid," Han growled. "I swear, I don't know how I didn't figure out you two are siblings sooner. You're so alike."

* * *

Luke couldn't shake the worry that plagued his mind. He couldn't sense anything inside the citadel, but he could sense something coming from it. Like a black snake, a darkness slithered toward him through the pockets of the bubble as if it was seeking him out specifically. From the back of his mind, he heard familiar laughter and a crackling sound. He felt suffocated, like a mask had closed over his face and locked at the neck.

"Luke. Are you all right?"

The soft, gentle voice snapped him back into the moment. In an instant, all of it was gone as if it never happened. Leia was crouched beside him behind some tall ferns. A concerned expression crossed her beautiful face.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"No, you're not," she retorted gently. "I can feel it and you're sweating."

He couldn't hide anything from her. Not since they learned they're twins. Not just twins, but ones strongly gifted with the Force, something they inherited from Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One.

"What's wrong?"


Luke was cut off by a familiar roar, followed by screams and blaster fire. The two Rebels pounced onto the scene, blaster and lightsaber at ready. Just as Han planned, Imperials attempting an escape ran into Leia and Luke. The young Jedi covered them both by deflecting blaster fire. Leia shot back, injuring their opponents. In the midst of the fire fight, the faithful R2-D2 rolled into the shuttle, disabling it and contacting their allies for a prisoner pick up while C-3PO fretted on the sidelines.

The battle was short and sweet. Once they realized they were outmatched by the presence of a Jedi, the Imperials lay down their weapons and surrendered. The victors put their prisoners in binders as a Rebel ship landed on the surface to transfer them to the nearest Rebel base.

"We'll send a squad of Y-Wing bombers to Teth to destroy the base," the captain promised. Han and the captain saluted each other, then the Rebel boarded his ship and took off.

"Well, that was easier than expected," Han told Leia casually. "At first, I didn't understand why they sent just the five of us without any back up. I guess we didn't need any."

"Five? Captain Solo, I believe you miscounted. There are six of us," C-3PO corrected.

Han gave the protocol droid an annoyed, sarcastic grin. "I counted five because you didn't do anything, Goldenrod."

"Well, I–"

"Where's Luke?" Han muttered to Leia, completely tuning out 3PO's incredulous rambling. "Luke!"

He turned on his heel to find his younger friend standing a few feet away from the citadel with a perplexed look on his face. Han strode up to the Jedi.

"Hey, we're all ready to go, kid."

Luke didn't seem to hear him as he continued to stare up at the citadel, lost in something Han couldn't feel.

He started when the older man clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"Luke, what's wrong?"

"I sense... darkness," he told him, his voice raspy and hollow. "It's like when I felt Vader or the Emperor, but I can't feel what or who it could be coming from. All I know is that whatever it is, it's in there."

"Y-Wing bombers are on their way to destroy it. Whatever's in there will be blown to bits along with the base."

"We cannot risk another evil taking over the galaxy, Han," Leia interjected as she suddenly appeared beside her husband. "According to Luke, the Emperor and... Vader are only gone because they destroyed each other. We can't let all we have fought for be for nothing if we let another Sith Lord rise to take their place."

"What do you want us to do? Walk right in there with no back up and–"

Before he could finish, Luke promptly entered the dark, cold abyss. His black clothes blended instantly and his fair skin and dark blond hair were soon swallowed up. He reappeared moments later in the green glow of his lightsaber.

Han Solo opened his mouth to call back the crazy Jedi only to watch dumbfounded as Leia followed her brother inside, blaster and flashlight at ready.

Sighing, Han turned to their Astromech friend.

"R2, go back to the ship and bring the Falcon here. Take Goldenrod with you. Then wait with the comms open for us to come back. If the bombers get here before we do, warn them before they blow us up to kingdom come."

R2-D2 beeped affirmative and rolled away. C-3PO shuffled after him, muttering words of doom.

  Han turned to his Wookiee partner. "You wanna sit this one out, pal? I wouldn't blame you."

Chewbacca roared indignantly and hoisted his bowcaster.

Han lifted his blaster and clicked on a flashlight, pointing the beam down the black hole the twins had entered without a second thought.

"Crazy Skywalkers," he muttered under his breath. "Those two will be the death of me."

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