Part 3. Unrest; Last hours & Be prepared

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(do not turn on the song until i say)

Alexa Pov.

"The Queen said Vanti would appear after a solar eclipse. But i don't remember that it ever was in America!" - said Luna.(Lunafire37)
She, Abby(abbyloveanime18), Angel(The_GachaArtist) and i drove in Abby's car to our shared home. We decided to go home.
"I don't know. But now we need to protect Alexa! Do not forget that his main goal is her. Hey, Alexa. What are you thinking?" - said Abby.
"I think about something else. After all, Vanti was left without a gang. I think he will first find someone's bodies for his fellow ghouts, and then he will come after me. After all, Vanti will not be able to cope without his team!" - i said.
"Here, you're right. Vanti without a gang is like a helpless child without parents. But we need to be on our guard." - said Abby.
"I feel that it's our guys who will be the bodies for Vanti's comrades. After all, they are a bit like each other, but with different characters." - i said.
"You're right about that too!" - said Abby.
"So who do we need more to worry about now? For Alexa, or for Evan and the guys?" - asked Angel.
Here we all became astray.

3rd face Pov. (back to Tyler's house)

The guys danced to the music 'Danza Kuduro' by Don Omar.

Evan Pov.

"Wow. That was fun!" - i tried to catch my breath.
"Yes, Evan. I haven't even sweat!" - Brian grinned.
"Can we turn on something else to dance?" - Lui asked.
"NO! I have no more strength!" - said David.
"I haven't had so much fun since i met you for the first time." - i said.
"Thank you for coming to us. Otherwise, you wouldn't have had such fun longer!" - Tyler grinned.
Ryan hugged me around the waist and kissed my cheeks. "With you, we have a lot more fun."
"Now, it's time to watch scary movie!" - said Bryce.
"While you are preparing to watch a movie, some need to take a bath, because someone smells of sweat. Evan went." - said Jonathan, taking my hand.
"I will help you Jonathan." - shouted Luke, running after us.

A few seconds later.

"Ahahahahaha. J-J-Jonathan, it tickles." - i laughed while Jonathan washed my feet. There is a very sensitive place.
Luke rubbed my back, but i could not stop laughing due to tickling.
"Evan, stop. Is it really tickling?" - grinned Luke.
"Y-yes. Ahahahah." - i laughed to tears.
Later they both washed my head. Then they wrapped me up in a towel and carried me to Tyler's bedroom. They dressed me up in one of other T-shirt and boxers, and together we went down to the guys.
We watched the movie 'The Mist'. I often glanced out of the corner of my eye, leaning on Luke's chest and hugging my owl plushie. Suddenly i was drawn to sleep, and i fell asleep.

??? Pov.

We finally returned to earth. We need revenge on all who sent us back to our universe by locking us there. But first, we need to do some things before we, our squad of devils, will again be rules of the earth.
"Boss, why are you wearing a cape hood? Can't you do without it?" - asked Cartoonz.
"No. After the last failure, this city has become for us, like for a little mouse, a hundred cats - very dangerous! Do not forget that Queen Golden Owl is now tightly watching the earth. If she sees me, then we are dead! Plus, I'm not ready now! Plus you need bodies! As long as you are ghosts, you cannot do anything!" - i said.
" Yes, you're right, boss." - said Cartoonz.
" Wait, boss. I think you hide because you don't want the Queen and her fairies to spank you again, like last time. Heheh. " - grinned Moo.
I looked at him with death in my eyes. " You better shut your fucking mouth and move your ass, you asshole."

Moo just grunted angrily. Then we stopped.
" Boss, why did we stop? " - asked Zipcat.
" I know where we will go!" - i said.
We teleported to the roof of a house. We looked out the window. People sleep there. 12 persons. Among them, i noticed a little guy whose hair was combed on his side. He looked cute, and would have suited the role of my queen. I remember his name is... Evan.
"Hey guys, look. How fo you like these?" - i said, pointing to the sleeping people.
"Wow, perfect!" - said Mini.
"Let's capture them now!" - said Basically.
"IDIOT!! Not now!! When the time comes. I have a plan for how everything will go!" - i said.
I saw some head jewelry on the nightstand. I applied magic, taking the jewelry and it was in my hand.
"B-boss, what are you going to do with this?" - said Zipcat.
"Now, see!" - i grinned.
I cast a spell, 'Ligiliance' and the jewelry lit up and went out.
"B-boss, what have you done?" - panicked Zipcat.
"I cast a hypnosis spell. When Evan puts it on, his mind will be in control. And he will obey me as king. Hehehehehe." - i grinned. And i brought the jewelry back.
"Why do you need to be so tense, boss? Waste your time!" - Terroriser was indignant.
"You are so impatient that I don't even have words. We all rejoice, the main thing is patience!" - i said. We returned to a deserted place.

3rd face Pov.

(turn on the song 'Be prepared' from Lion King, right now. I redid the lyrics a bit.)

Vanti : I know that your powers of retention
Are as wet as a warthog's backside
But smart as you are, pay attention
My words are a matter of pride
It's clear from your vacant expressions
The lights are not all on upstairs
But we're talking kings and successions
Even you can't be caught unawares
So prepare for a chance of a lifetime
Be prepared for sensational news
A shining new era
Is tiptoeing nearer

Zipcat : And where do we feature?

Vanti : Just listen to teacher
I know it sounds sordid
But you'll be rewarded
When at last I am given my dues
And injustice honestly squared
               BE PREPARED!

"Haha, yeah! Be prepared! We'll be prepared! Wait! ...For what, boss?" - said Moo.
"For the death of the queen!" - i said.
"When will it be?" - asked Terroriser.
"When i capture Evan, under control! Queen can surrender for his life!" - Vanti said.
"Great idea! Who needs a queen?" - grinned Moo.
Mini : "No queen! No queen! La la la la la la!"
"IDIOTS! There will be a king!" - Vanti said.
"Wait, but you just say..." - said Basically.
"I WILL BE KING! Evan's guys will be your bodies, and then the former gang of devils will rule, FOREVER!!" - Vanti said.
"Yay, alright! Long live the king!" - said Basically.
"Long live the king! Long live the king!" - said the whole 2PBBS gang.

2p BBS : It's great that we'll soon be connected
With a king who'll be all-time adored

Vanti :
Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected
To take certain duties on board
The future is littered with prizes
And though I'm the main addressee
The point that I must emphasize is
You can't do it without me!
So prepare for the coup of the century
Be prepared for the murkiest scam.
2pBBS : Oooooo, la-la-la!

Vanti : Meticulous planning.
2pBBS : We will be back soon

Vanti : Tenacity spanning.
2pBBS : Will be back soon

Vanti : Decades of denial.
2pBBS : We repeat

Vanti : Is simply why I'll.
2pBBS : Live happily

Vanti : Be king undisputed.
Respected, saluted.
And seen for the wonder I am.
Yes, my rage and revenge are bared.
                BE PREPARED!

Together : Yes, my rage and revenge are bared
                 BE PREPARED!

Vanti : Mwahahahahahahahaha
2pBBS : Ahahahahahahahahaha

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