Part 5. Missing Evan & The king has a queen

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Alexa Pov.

I am now sitting in our private house with Abby (abbyloveanime18). We have, as it were, a little party with friends : Angel(The_GachaArtist), Luna(Lunafire37), Jason(diamondjazz04), Galazy(Yubullymehacker), Smoly(Smoly-Chaya3007), Rose(RoseGalaxy10), S. A.(Yellowberrycatypie), Ember(EmberLovesDelirious), and Lime(Limelovestowrite). The guys were playing games while i was drawing fan art on my laptop, sitting on the laps and in the arms of my boy Chris. He is the brother of my friend Ember. I love him very much. Plus, it was Ember who introduced us to him. I liked him at first sight.
"Damn it, Jason. You won again." - shouted Angel.
"But who could know that he would have a +4 ?! This is a wild card!" - said Galazy.

3rd face Pov.

Alexa's phone rang immediately. Everyone turned to their friend. Alexa picked up the phone. "Hello. Hi Tyler. What? Today? This can't be! Should we come to you? Okay, see ya." Alexa hung up.

Alexa Pov.

"Alexa, what happened?" - asked Lime.
"Tyler called. Evan disappeared tonight! Scott and Panda said they saw him. And he let me come to them." - i said.
"I will go with you." - said Abby.

Later.   At Tyler's house.

"Scott, maybe you missed a bit that Evan just ran away quickly with this guy?" - asked Brian.
"No, Brian. We saw how they disappeared. As with a flash. As in focus with the disappearance. We did not lose sight of them. It looks like some kind of mysticism." - said Scott.
"Scott. Stop reading about all mysticism. It does not exist." - said Bryce.
"Yes. You both need to get enough sleep." - said Luke.
"Hey, Abby. I think it's Vanti's tricks!" - i whispered.
"I don't know. But the guys do not seem to believe in magic. Plus, according to the queen, Vanti should rejoice in a solar eclipse, but this was not. What do we do?" - whispered Abby.
"I don't know. I afraid that now the guys will be next!" - i panicked.
"So it is. I will help the guys, and you remain under cover. Do not forget that it is you who are his main purpose." - whispered Abby.
"Be careful, Abby." - i said.
"I will." - said Abby.
We hugged.

Meanwhile, in the den of the devils.

"Finally you are with me, my queen. It remains to do one thing, and we will rule the whole city, and then the whole world. The best stylists will prettify you. The most beautiful dresses will be sewn to you by the best designers. You will be sewn to the most beautiful wedding dress. Soon we will become the bride and groom. And we will have the best royal wedding of the devils, my beauty." - i said, holding my queen's face and into his eyes.
"Alex, the dresses for the queen are ready as i asked?" - i told my pocket designer Alex.
"Yes, Vanti. They stand ready." - said Alex.
(if someone does not know, Alex is my 2p side. Or, you can say, 2p Alexa.)
"Good. Take him to the designer room. Let him choose his dress." - i ordered.
Alex took my queen by the hand and led upstairs.
"Excellent. There is little left, and soon i will receive the strength of the main guard Alexa, and then nothing will stop me." - i said in a rumor.
"Boss, you finally got your queen! When will we get the bodies? We are tired of being a ghosts already." - Mini was grazy.
"Calm fuck down, Mini. We just have to use someone as a bait, and you will have bodies." - i said.
"And who will be the bait?" - asked Lui.
"Vanti, your queen is dressed up." I heard Alex's voice. I looked around and saw that she was leading my queen in a beautiful white dress, like a bride's.

 I looked around and saw that she was leading my queen in a beautiful white dress, like a bride's

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"I offered him all three dresses. He chose number two. This one." - Alex said.
"Perfect. The queen's desire is the law for me. You are free." - i said.
Alex nodded and left.
"Now, guys. Evan will be the bait." - i said.
"How? How will he help us?" - asked Nogla.
"IDIOT! Evan's boys will find him missing and start looking for him. Evan will come after them and say that he has something for them. We will wait for them in the forest. They will not suspect anything, stupid humans. We will catch them, and their bodies will be yours. Now you understand, Nogla, idiot?! " - i said.
Nogla simply nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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