They have gathered as many friends as they could. There was a cheetah with a bow and arrows, a blue bladed dragon, a feline made of ice and have skates on his feet and a dragon with a staff. "So does everyone know why we're all here?" Cynder yelled confidently. Everyone nodded. "Ok. I'm going to go over the strategy." Hiccup was listening to what Cynder said carefully.
"Hiccup, we have to go now." he turned his head and saw the cheetah standing in front of him. He bent down so the cheetah can hop on.
"Hunter," Hiccup started "Have you met Spyro and Cynder before?" He gave off a small chuckle.
"It was a while since I last saw them." Hiccup wanted to know more so he looked at him with a 'please tell more look' in his eyes so Hunter did.
The pair slowly arrived at Cynder's old fortress. It was quiet since there was no one around. "I feel like that they're trying to trap us again." Hunter nodded. Just then, apes started to surround them. There were no escape so they're completely trapped.
"Well, if it isn't for the one that got saved from his friends." Malefor came up to them. Hunter had his bow ready and Hiccup was in a fighting stance. "I see that the two of you are the only ones here. So tell me, did you come to spy on us?" Hiccup and Hunter remained quiet. "Just as I thought." He pulled out a blue crystal. Hiccup and Hunter were scared. "So Hiccup, say hello to your home for me would you?" Hiccup was shocked about what he has just said. Malefor threw the towards the pair and they disappeared.
:P ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :P
A few hour later...
Cynder was sitting out on the balcony watching over Warfang. She gave off a sigh just as four pairs of feet were heard. She turned around and saw Fire Kracken, Blades and Astrid walk in. Fire Kracken saw that Cynder was worrid so he asked, "Cynder, are you ok?" Cynder gave off a loud sigh before walking answering.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just worried about Spyro, Hiccup and Hunter." She was becoming worried since they've been gone for a while now. "Is everyone ready?" Astrid was surprised to hear Cynder say that.
"So are we going to go bursting through the doors and getting ourselves caught?" Astrid was hoping for her to say that. "Flame and Ember are speaking with Fishlegs and Snotlout. Valka and Freeze Bade are speaking to each other and the twins are out exploring."
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They group has made it to the fortress. It was louder than normal since there were apes swarming the area. "Ok. Freeze Blade, you go skating in and find your own entrance, If not, make one. Fire Kracken, Snotoud, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, the four of you can burst through the front. The rest of us are going to find another entrance." After hearing the order, they all ran to their positions.
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Dark Spyro was watching from above. He cackled evilly as they started to attack. "Oh, you made the wrong move."
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Hiccup and Hunter woke up. It must've been a while since they were at the fortress. Hunter took time to survey his surroundings. He mounted on Hiccup just as they took off into the sky.
Hiccup was flying towards a place with many buildings. "Wait, where are we going?" Hunter looked at the housings as they flew closer.
"This is my home. There are definitely going to be problems." Hiccup replied just as there was a faint glow from the forest. He turned himself around and had a look at what caused it.
The duo landed and they realised that it was the rest of the group. It is going to be harder to return now...
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Fire Kracken, Freeze Blade and Blades are from Skylanders. I decided to include them. A used to have the game so yeah... Plz don't judge.
Old friends and enemies
Adventure(Sequel to 'New Allies') Hiccup and Spyro are back but this time Hiccup, Astrid and FIshlegs finds something and ends up in Spyro's world. What will happen? I don't own any of these characters.