**Clean or Dirty; Can't Decide **

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I slowly wake up, alone. Last night I was able to sleep peacefully, thanks to being in my own bed, pain meds, and Shooter, who slept next to me.  I smell food and I'm alone now, so that means he's downstairs cooking breakfast.  The creaking of the door draws my attention as much as the smell of food drifting into the room.

"Good morning baby.  Let me put this down and I'll help you to the bathroom."

"Uhg!  I hate this.  How long before I can at least be on crutches?"

"Not until your collar bone heals up and the cast comes off your arm."

"Thank you for helping me, I never appreciated the ability just to get from one place to another."

"I know baby, it's only for a little while.  The cast will come off in another month or so and they will see how your healing up and you can probably be on crutches then."

Getting situated back on the bed, he sets the tray in my lap.  I pounce on the food, just like Loki would a mouse.  The waffle, so crispy and sweet, covered in butter and syrup.  He hands me the coffee, with lots of cream, it even has chicory in it; he's making coffee like a native. Eyeing him suspiciously, I have to know.

"How did you know how to make the coffee?  You seem more like a coffee maker kind of guy, with no knowledge of a French press."  

Chuckling at me, "your dad made it.  I had no idea what I was even looking at.  He showed me how so I can make it after he leaves."

"There's a coffee maker in one of the cabinets, if you want it.  Did you give my dad the eulogy for him to read at the funeral?"

"Yes, and he agreed with me, he said it was perfect.  They are leaving in another hour."

"Really?  What time is it?  Has anyone heard from aunt Cat?

"It's almost eleven and no.  She hasn't come by or called.  We're pretty sure she's waiting for us to leave and she's in for a surprise, cause nobody is leaving till she does.  And if she tries to wait us out, she's going to be escorted out of town."

Now that information surprises me.  Are they really that worried about what she will do?

"Do y'all really think she's that big of a threat?"

"Threat, no.  Your pops just don't want her harassing you.  He knows I can handle her, but it's something you shouldn't have to deal with."

"Yeah, she didn't have to act like that and it's none of her business.  I'm not sure what she's trying to accomplish.  Do you think she's trying to get the house and bar from me?  Cause if that's what she's thinking, she's shit out of luck.  She sold out her part and signed all of her shares in the house and bar to my mom."

The door opens again, and my pops sticks his head in to tell us they are leaving for the funeral and soon after I hear the door close, telling us they just left.

"Is the local club still guarding the house?"

"Yes, and they will until we leave for Florida."

I continue eating and begin thinking about a bath.  It would be nice to just sit and soak in the tub, my body hurts from just lying in bed so much and since I have to lay on my back, it's really beginning to hurt. Thinking about how to accomplish this, I'll have to ask Shooter for help.

"Shooter, can you help me in the tub?  My body hurts and I just want to soak in hot water."

His eyes turn a darker shade and rolling my eyes at him.

"Of course, babe.  Do you want me to join you?"


"Just giving you a hard time, see." And he shows me the growing bulge in his pants.

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