Let the Healing Begin

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The fuck?! Is this an earthquake? Why is the bed shaking so violently? I look around and remember everything that happened. I roll over to Sarah Grace and she is still asleep, but fighting something or someone. Then she begins to scream. I don't know how I should do this. I have to wake her up, I can't let her suffer through this. I try to gently grab her shoulders, I then put my hands on her face and try to get her eyes open to look at me. I'm begging her to open her eyes. Finally she opens her eyes and they are filled with complete terror. I don't know if maybe it was easier when her eyes were blank. She begins to cry at this point, broken sobs. I pull her closer to me and just hold her. I look up at the door and the team is there. Boss nods his head and they all slowly back out of the room, closing the door behind them. I let her cry until her sobs get quiet.

"Baby? What can I do?"

She shakes her head no, I understand, nothing. I hold her, one hand rubbing her back the other holding the back of her head.

"Critter's dead. He took me to trade for his sister and Demon sold her anyway. Then he cut his throat and left him in that room with me. I don't know how long, I don't even know how long I was there."

I kiss her head and pull her closer if that's possible.

"I love you so much baby. Please tell me I can do something to help?"

"There's nothing to be done."

"I have some stuff for you, let me get it and I need to call your pops and check in with him. He needs to know about Critter. Maybe there's something can be done for his sister."

I untangle my self from her and get up, going to my bag, I grab the little velvet jewelry pouch and empty it out. I take her left hand and put her ring back on it. I pick up the cross and show it to her.

"Your grandmother took it off her own neck and handed it to me. She told me to tell you that your grandfather gave it to her on her wedding day, it belonged to his mother and so on and so on. That you come from a long line of stubborn women, and she's waiting on you. She's not leaving until she sees you."

She raises up slightly and I'm able to put the necklace on her. Laying back down, the tears continue to trickle down her cheeks.

"Baby, let me hold you?"

She nods her head and I pull her to me.

"Baby, I love you so much.  I'm sorry you got caught in the middle of all this, but it's over now.  Can you forgive me?  I promised I would protect you and I failed."

"He's gone?"

Now, how do I want to tell her that one of the guys put a shot between his eyes and the back of his head exploded, spraying blood and brain matter on the wall, floor and the dead guys already laying on the floor.  She doesn't nee the details, just the comfort of knowing he can't come back for her.

"Yes, baby.  He can't hurt you ever again."

"What happens now?"

"What do you want to happen now?"

"The wedding date is past, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is."  I'm not telling her how many days ago that was, I don't want her thinking about the days that she was held in that warehouse.  I wish I could read her mind right now  it's killing me not to know what's going on in her head.

"I don't know."

I've never heard her sound so lost.  Even after the wreck, she was moving forward and focused on healing, now the direction we had is just gone.  I'm going to have to take the lead on this.

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