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I know I've been MIA. I started a winter semester class online along with my other regular classes and my Sheldon type professor thought it was the only class I had. Then, just as I finished that class my son had a really bad accident the beginning of March and we've been in the hospital in & out of ICU and the burn unit ever since. Then, this fucking stupid virus altered everything else. I'm going to finish this story, I hate not having an ending, it's just gonna be a minute. I truly appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read what's here and I felt like y'all deserved an explanation. Please be patient, it's sitting here on my home screen, bitch slapping me every time open my laptop. After the hell I put this poor character through she deserves something good to come of her life.

The next chapter is coming soon. I've been working on it since things are finally slowing down. I can't say when it will be up for sure, my goal is next week.

So the next chapter is still sitting there in my laptop slowly gaining more words. Since adding writing classes to my English minor I have come to appreciate feedback from anyone. This story is the very first thing I wrote and shared. Any and all comments are appreciated. As a writer, I can only improve if I know what's wrong.

Told ya'll it was coming! I promise the end is near.

Waiting on Sarah GraceWhere stories live. Discover now