Life is a Highway

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It will take us about nine hours to get to the club house compound.  I'm ready to see the beach again, I hope I can go ride on the beach.  Crossing over Lake Ponchartrain on I-10, headed toward the Mississippi line, I'm going to miss New Orleans.  There's just something supernatural about it.  I wish we had been able to go by the cemetery but understand the need to hurry.  Running from a hunter that you don't know, you don't know if the person buying a lottery ticket at the counter, while you wait to buy sour creme and onion chips, is going to pull out a gun or a knife to kill you, or they could follow me to the ladies room and kill me with their bare hands.  

"Shooter, talk to me, please.  Get me out of my own head, I'm sitting here thinking the worst and we aren't even a mile past the bridge."

"What do you want me to talk about?  I'll tell you about the guys I served with, that I still talk to.  Boomer, he was an explosive expert and I swear, if he got to blow something up, he had a major hard on.  Creeper, he was good at finding the hiding spots for me to shoot from.  Bondage, what do you think he did?"

"Was he in charge of the zip ties?"  He laughs from his belly.

"Damn, he was our medic in charge of bonding up any wounds, but I don't think I will ever call him that again.  Next time I talk to him, he will be known as zip tie from then on.  When I first signed up, everyone called me cowboy, since I grew up on a ranch in Texas, but after riffle qualifications, my accuracy and groupings I became Shooter and you know the rest.  Speaking of military, what would you think of a courthouse marriage this week?  Then I can get you on my insurance and add you as beneficiary to all my policies.  We could have a bigger wedding later and it would give you an added layer of respect in the club; the president's daughter, the vice presidents sister, and the sergeant at arms wife."

"Would that not make the target on my back that much bigger?"

"Let's talk to Tank tomorrow, after we have a solid night's sleep."

"Ok, is it the insurance, the safety, or the rush to get in my pants, causing the wedding to be rushed?"

"All three, but mainly the last one."

"You know I still have broken bones? And what happened to waiting to I could pull your hair with both hands?"

"I'm willing to sacrifice if I can legitimately sink into you."

"What kind of 'bigger' weeding are you talking about?  Cause I don't want a great big three ring church circus, with tons of people and a poofy dress that looks like a reject prom dress from the 80's."

"What about on the beach?"

"Are you really going cliché?  Are you going to wear shoes?  And don't roll your eyes at me!"

"Baby, I love you and I don't care how you want to go about it, just as long as it gets done quick!"

"Fair enough.  When are we stopping for snacks?"

"How does Biloxi sound?  It's not too far till we get there."

"Sounds good. Here, plug my phone in to the auxiliary cord."

"What sugar-coated pop is about to ooze through the speakers, to damage my appreciation of music for the rest of my life?"

"A little dramatic.  Shooter, I would like to introduce you to Celtic punk."

"What makes Celtic punk different from the rest of the punk?"

"They play bagpipes on most songs and they are mostly about English oppression."

"Did your pops turn you onto to this?"

"Actually, Grit shared it with me."  And he's laughing at me again!

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