sixty three**

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so, i was at We Will Rock You last night and while i was excited, i didn't know what to expect and i have to say, i was completely blown away by the performances of the leads! like, holy shit you guys, they have incredible voices (especially the ladies who play Scaramouche and Killer Queen). and it was funnier than i thought it would be thanks to Buddy! i don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't seen it but, if you do get the chance, i highly recommend it!

 as always, the ** means smut and as i always do, i will let you know where it starts!


Brian and Kayla may have been newly dating but it was quite clear to everyone just how much she cared for him and a week before his birthday, she came to Roxy and the other girls, telling them that she'd hired out a small hall so they could have a party for him.

With everything that's going on with the label and the money, she thought that it would be a great way to keep Brian and the rest of the band's spirits up. Even if it was just for one night.

Becca, Mary and Roxanne all did their part in helping her out; Mary got decorations, Rebecca sorted out music and of course, Roxanne dealt with the food.

Because the party was for Brian and because everyone seemed to love him (seriously, Roxanne was still to find someone who did not like Brian Harold May), Jason from the diner and a bunch of the waitresses were going to help her out and make up some sandwich platters and such for her all in exchange for an invite.

Two days before his birthday, Roxanne got started on his cake which, when finished, was an almost replica of his Red Special (complete with a little fondant sixpence) but was on a much smaller scale.

The day of his birthday, the girls were at the hall getting things set up while the boys took Brian out for a celebratory pint. Or four.

"He'll like it, right?" Kayla frets as she and Roxanne carry the cake over to the table that's up the back of the room, placing it down right in the middle so it's one of the first things that people look at when they come in.

"He'll love it!" Rebecca grins from the small stage and both Mary and Roxy nod in agreement, "When are you meeting him again?"

"In an hour," she mumbles, "Do you think we'll have the food in time?"

"Kayla, relax," Roxy pleads, placing her hands on the woman's shoulders, "Jason rang this morning. It's all waiting at the diner for me to pick up."

"I just want it to be perfect," Kayla says, straightening the closest banner, ignoring the fact that Mary is glaring at her.

"Don't you worry," Roxanne pats her cheek lightly, "He's going to love it. Now, I'm going to get the food. Mary, can you and Becca please start getting the presents set up? I was thinking we could put what we got him on that far end table and when people come, they can just add theirs to the pile."

"Do you not want one of us to come?" Mary frowns, "To give you a hand?"

Roxanne smiles but shakes her head, "Thank for the offer, Mary but it's fine. Jasons coming back with me so he can help."

"I don't quite understand why he's coming," Rebecca admits, "I mean, has Brian even spoken to Jason? Does Jason even know Brian's name?"

"Brian speaks to everyone!"

Rebecca doesn't reply. She knows that Mary's right.

"Please be back before seven!"Kayla pleads, following Roxanne towards the main door, "Because if you're not, we're not waiting for you."

Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy (JoeMazzello!JohnDeacon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now