Chapter 9

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OHMF I HAVE 9.24k! AHHHHH I LOVE YOU GUYS! AND 200 VOTES! Literally last chapter I had like way less, that is seriously amazing! I have gone farther in reads than I thought I'd get so thank you guys it's means so so so so so so so so so much to me.


Scott. He's been popping up into my mind ever since yesterday. Ever since the kiss. Ever since he ran out on me randomly. Ever since I started felling this pull towards him. Ever since I started to like him. I want it to stop but it's this force that's impossible to break. I try to break it but it's invincible. And part of me likes it but my other part wants it to go away to leave me to never come again. But I don't think that's going to happen and I either have to try to ignore it and get used to it or go to Him. I might have to go to Him.

Ella's POV

"I'm going for it" I mutter

He's still got to be at his house. I left early he has to be still there. I start running down the sidewalk to Scott's
house. Which I got because I was supposed to tutor him today at his house. I keep running until I hear someone yell my name from beside me. I slow down and I look over at the road and I see Stiles in his car. I jog up to the car as he stops.

"Where are you running to Ella?"

"I need you to take me to Scott's" I say getting in the passengers seat


"Don't question just go" I say sternly and he drives off in the direction of his house

"Ella tell me what it is" Stiles say looking over at me

"Something happened last night and I'm confronting him about it ok" he gives me a small nod and drives faster and soon he pulls up to Scott's house

I jump out of the car even before he stops it but as soon as I jump out I see Scott drive away on his motorbike. I grunt as I run my hair through my hair and get back in Stiles's car.

"School now" I say as his eyes widen and he immediately presses the gas making it lurch forward. It makes a few protesting noises but never the less goes forward quickly down the road

"Will you tell me what's going on now?" He questions as he keeps as his eyes on the road

"No" I quickly respond as he nears a stop sign and he trys pressing the brake but it doesn't work well so he shrugs and passes the stop sign.

"Why the hell not?" He whines like a baby

"Because it's none of your business" I sass turning my head to look at him

"Oh really, well Scott is my best friend so that gives me the right to know" he says looking at me

"Keep your eyes on the road lunatic!" I say as he almost drives us into a ditch

"My driving skills are amazing" he scoffs

"Yeah and I have a pet unicorn" I remark sarcastically

"Well I guess you do because I have amazing driving skills, why do you think I'm usually called when they need to get out of places" I raise an eyebrow at him

"Oh god I wasn't supposed to say that was I?" He hits his head on the back of his seat as I curiously look at him

"What kind of situations are there that they need a getaway driver" I question him

"No reason" he nervously states

"Yeah, no reason" I scoff as I pull on his ear

"Ow!" He exclaims as the car swerves a little

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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