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Dom and I returned with a few bags of junk food and drinks, specifically Coronas.

"Ahhh food" Leon said running from the camper to the car where he snatched the bags from my hands.

"Easy" Dom said making me laugh.

Dom started up the grill making dinner. I decided to go hang out in the camper while Mia and Letty were outside near the grill talking to Dom.

I could just barely hear their conversations.

"I think Cami is ready" Dom softly said.

"Really? I thought you were going to wait until she was an adult" Mia said.

"Girl we should have told her a long time ago. This secret has been the hardest one yet" Letty said.

"I didn't want her to resent me" Dom said.

I needed to know what the secret was. Dom, Mia and Letty have always told me everything or so I thought.

"You think she'll be mad?" Mia asked. Just as I was balancing on the counter trying to hear better out the window I knocked over a glass bowl shattering it everywhere.

I went to step down but was met with a piece of glass to the bottom of my foot.

"Ah" I grunted in pain. Vince came in probably after hearing all the commotion.

"Cami what the-?" Vince began. He slowly walked over to me avoiding the glass pieces as best as possible.

Blood was trickling from the bottom of my foot into the floor.

"Mia" Vince called out. Mia walked in with her eyes wide.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I was trying to get a cup from the cabinet but I bumped into the bowl and got glass in my foot when I went to step down" I said. My short statue made the story sound believable.

I was 5'1 the shortest of all my siblings.

"Vince can you get the first aid kit from the bathroom?" Mia asked. Vince obeying Mia's order grabbed the first aid kit.

"It doesn't need stitches which is good" Mia commented. I could barely focus on what she was saying as she pulled the piece of glass out of my foot.

"Dinner" Dom called out. Mia wrapped my foot up while Vince cleaned up the glass scattered on the floor.

Once it was cleaned up and I was bandaged I headed to the bathroom to clean my hands. As I was washing my hands I could hear Mia softly talking to Vince.

"Dom's going to tell her" Mia expressed.


"Vince, she's a sweet girl. I don't want this to ruin her"

I dried my hands and exited the bathroom which instantly caused the two to get quiet.

"C'mon I'm starving" I said trying to end the awkwardness.

"When aren't you" Vince teased.

We gathered at the picnic table outside. Dom saying the prayer before eating.

"So last day of race wars is tomorrow and I thought it would be okay for Cami to race me" Dom said. I practically choked on the chicken I was eating.

"You can race in my car" Letty said. The biggest smile crept onto my face. I wasn't nervous for driving, it was a straight line. I was nervous versing Dom.

"So what do you say? You gonna race me?" Dom asked. The whole team had their eyes on me.

"Hell yeah" I said.

The next morning I was awoken by Letty.

"Letty?" I said still half asleep.

"Shhhh. C'mon get dressed" Letty whispered. I threw on a pair of pants and a clean T-shirt before heading outside.

The sun had barely risen but the races had already begun.

"You got practice if you're gonna beat Dom" Letty said as we walked over to her car. 

She threw me the keys.

"So the secret to beating Dom is timing. You hit that Nos too early you're out. You hit it too late he's already crossed that finish line" Letty said. I shook my head showing her I understood.

I drove the car up and down the lane a few times before it came time for the actual race.

"You ready?" Dom asked. I shook my head.

I hopped into the car reviving the engine. Don smiled at me and I smiled back. I was ready to smoke his ass.

I looked forward as the flag was drawn. Up the flag went and as soon as it went down I was off.

Dom and I were neck and neck. Letty's words repeated in my head.

I've seen Dom race plenty before and knew when he would hit it. I hit the Nos, my body flying back into the seat. We both flew past the finish line at the same time.

"I almost had you" I screamed as I got out of the car. Dom looked shocked.

"She's gonna be one hell of a racer" Vince commented. Dom gave him daggers.

"She won't be racing on my watch" Dom said.

My face fell from a smile to a frown. Dom was pissed for whatever reason.

"Let's go we are leaving" Dom said hopping into his car at once.

"You can ride with me" Letty said.

Unsure of what just happened I hopped in the passenger seat getting comfortable for the drive home.

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