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October, 2005

Five years since Dom left, Jesse died and the team was forever split. I was currently standing in a cemetery burying Letty.

One moment she was home saying goodnight to me before she left for 'work' and the next morning Mia gets a call she's dead, in a cold blooded murder.

The call was from none other than Brian O'Conner which made the situation even worse.

That morning Mia woke me up. I thought I was still dreaming. She called Dom shortly after. She said he deserved to know, even if he couldn't be here to see her be buried.

"We have gathered here today to pay our respects. Today we shall honor Leticia Ortiz, a mother, a daughter, a friend and an overall great person" the priest said as they lowered her body down.

Mia sobbed but I stood there shocked, in denial. My whole life I had lived without a mother and without a father and when I finally got what I'd been wanting it gets ripped away from me.

RJ wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We began dating shortly after Dom left. RJ and I felt that with his brother dead and mine gone we should let go of the territories and the divide.

Letty wasn't too fond of the idea at first but she came around because she saw how important RJ was to me. He got me in ways others wouldn't, he understands me and the lifestyle I've been raised in.

We both agreed to wait until Dom came home to get married. He wanted his blessing first but the more the months passed the less likely it seemed Dom was coming back at all.

So last year we got married at the beach. Letty and Mia were there and RJ had his parents. It was a small wedding but nonetheless perfect.

RJ and I were now raising a healthy and happy almost one year old girl named Dominique. We call her Mika for short.

RJ, Mia and I began to leave the funeral. RJ headed to his parents to pick up Mika while I headed home with Mia. I just needed a moment to myself.

We headed back to the house with the sky changing from afternoon to evening. Darkness quickly fell upon us.

"Let's move her things. I can't stand to look at them" I said to Mia as we walked in.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"It's better that way" I coldly said. Looking at Letty's stuff meant I had to accept she was gone. Putting it away meant I could pretend she was coming back.

Mia and I began moving Letty's belongings into the garage. I was moving one of the last boxes inside when I heard movement behind us. Out from the shadows Dom revealed himself.

Mia instantly ran up to him embracing him in a hug. "I told you not to come. They are stalking the place out. If they find you-"

"They won't. Look at you two" Dom said.

I hesitantly stood there not moving. I didn't speak a word until he noticed the charger.

"Dom, Letty and I, we wouldn't let them junk it. She worked on it day and night. It was like she knew you were coming back" I said as he walked around the car admiring its pristine condition. 

"I want to see the crash site" Dom said. Mia and I looked at each other hesitant. Dom asked once more and Mia couldn't say no.

Dom drove us to the site where Letty was killed. I refused to get out of the car but came solely to spend what little time I had with Dom.

Once we were done he took us back home. Dom stopped at the corner a few ways down from the house.

"Dom can't you stay?" I asked. I knew it was impossible but I just had to ask.

"No its more dangerous than ever now. Stay with Mia you both will need each other" Dom said.

"I love you Dad" I said as I hugged him before getting out of the car and letting Mia and Dom talk.

Mia gets out of the car a couple minutes later and we begin to walk home. As we approach the driveway FBI agents get out of their cars.

"Hi I'm Mike Stasiak FBI agent. Why don't us three have a chat" he said.

We were brought down to the station for questioning. Mia and I sat in a locked room when Brian walks in.

"Hey you want to come with me?" He asked. Mia and I get up from the bench thinking it's better than sitting in this confined space.

We take a walk and end up at the diner down the road.

"Tell me why you dragged us down here Brian?" Mia asked irritated. I was on edge after being forced to come down to the station. I was able to call RJ and told him it was safer for him to stay at his parents with Mika.

While I didn't like the idea of being away from either of them I knew they would be safe and not under constant surveillance.

"The police are going crazy. They are looking for Dom and won't stop until they find him. Don't get wrapped up in this" Brian said

"That's what you have to say to me after 5 years. You know Brian maybe your not the good guy pretending to be a bad guy. Maybe your a bad guy pretending to be a good guy. Ever think about that?"

"Everyday" Brian said. Mia got up out of the booth and I was about to follow when Brian asked a question.

"How are you holding up?"

"I've seen better days" was all I responded with before catching up to Mia.

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