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Later that night I tossed and turned in the bed. Partially because it was uncomfortable but I also worried about my Mika.

I tossed to the other side to see RJ completely passed out. I got up to get a glass of water hoping to ease my worries when I saw Vince looming over the car we had taken apart.

"Vince?" I questioned.

"Cami, what are you doing up?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Couldn't sleep. What are you doing up?" I asked. I watched as Vince quickly turned around jiggling something from the car. I went to step forward when a voice stopped me.

"Cam don't move! Almost wish I didn't see you" Dom stated from the dark shadows he was hiding in. "Almost"

"Wait Dom" Vince said in his husky voice, raising his hands in the air. I crossed my arms against my chest unsure of what was happening.

"Mia and Cam were on that train" Dom said calmly before shoving Vince against the concrete pillar.

"My daughter, my sister" Dom yelled.

"I didn't know. I wouldn't do anything to hurt -" Vince yelled back. I watched as Dom got in Vince's face.

"You set up the deal!"

The two stood silent for a few seconds before Vince spoke out again.

"I thought the job was for the cars. I didn't know all they wanted was the chip"

"DAMN! you should have come clean" Dom yelled pounding on the wall in between Vince's head.

"Calm down, both of you" I muttered stepping closer.

"What's going on out here?" Mia questioned sounding sleepy.

"Nothing. Everyone back to bed" Dom lectured. I took a few steps back walking into RJ's arms.

"Please Dom just let me have the chip. I can give to them, to Reyes and set things right" Vince pleaded.

"Get out" Dom said trying to keep his composure. 

"What" Vince questioned. Dom not being able to hold in his anger anymore unleashed it on Vince.

"GET OUT" he yelled. Vince started to slowly walk out staring at Brian who was in the doorway behind Mia.

"You never listened to me. Not when I told you he was a cop. Not now. You never trusted me and look where it's gotten us" Vince said looking at Dom.

"Look at our family now. I can't go home! Your sister is stuck in this life! You have a daughter who's on the run with you ........Where's Letty Dom? Where's the mother of your child? Huh, where's Letty?" Vince said before turning around continuing walking towards the door.

"Dom" Mia called out as he walked the opposite direction.

"Dad?" I questioned but he obviously needed alone time. RJ ushered me back into the bedroom to get some more rest before we had to face the day.
The next morning we all woke up early to figure out what exactly was on the chip.

"It looks like drop off locations" RJ pointed out.

"Is that drugs?" Mia questioned.

"No that's the weight of the money. It's easier than counting it" Brian said looking at the weight.

"10 million dollars for each drop off" Brian said shocked. We quickly looked up towards the door when a sound caught our attention.

Dom snatched the chip and we all ran different ways to escape. RJ and I jumped from roof top to roof top trying to evade Reyes' guys. From a distance I could see Mia, Brian and Dom doing the same.

"Keep going" RJ shouted as the roofs began to get farther apart from each other.

We skidded to a stop when we saw the drop.

"One, two, three" we jumped holding hands onto the old roof which crumbled under our weight. We held still waiting for the guys to leave.

When it was safe we met up with Mia, Dom and Brian running into the large storm drain taking it all the way down.

"They are going to be looking for the five of us together. We need to spilt up" Dom said with his back towards us. He turned around "Mia, Brian head south. RJ and Cami head west. I'll head North and distract them"

"No" Mia said

"Dom's right. We got lucky this time but what happens next? We have no choice we need to spilt up" Brian said

"I'm pregnant" Mia blurted out. We all hugged each other.

"The family just got bigger" Dom whispered into Mia's ear.

We all pulled apart and agreed to stay together.

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