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"Disrespect me like that again"

★彡On their way to the next lesson, Max and Charlotte were chatting, now both in good moods after letting their feelings out and hugging for a long time

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On their way to the next lesson, Max and Charlotte were chatting, now both in good moods after letting their feelings out and hugging for a long time. Everybody seemed to be staring at Charlotte, whispering when she walked past and pointing at her mockingly. The weirdness was creeping her out, so she decided to question one of the people who reacted strangely.

"What's your problem, huh?" She yelled, grabbing his bag and twisting him fully around, "Like to share it with the class?"

"I suggest you look at your locker and bond with William, you're both in fairyland!" The boy snapped back, his gang of friends oooing in behind him.

Before Max could stop her, Charlotte was sprinting to her locker. A crowd of students surrounded and she shoved through them harshly, not caring if she accidentally pushed anyone over. 'Rot in hell lesbian' the locker read in blue graffiti letters.

Realising that the onlookers were silent at the sight of her, Charlotte, trying to seem unbothered, told them all "You fuckers, I'm an atheist!"

Max's hand found hers, and she guided her rages friend away from the crowd, sending warning glares to the students who decided to shout insults. They broke into a sprint once the rounded the corner, trying to find peace. Eventually, Max spotted an empty classroom and burst into it, pulling Charlotte in before anybody saw them.

"Thanks Maxi, I would have lost it without you." Charlotte said, squeezing Max's hand, before letting go and jumping onto a table.

Max followed suit, but the table wobbled and has tumbled off, landing on her back with a thud. Charlotte began to laugh uncontrollably, so much that she also lost balance and fell to the floor. The pair turned their heads to face each other and broke out laughing together, rolling around and stomachs. That was the first time Charlotte had actually laughed with somebody else, and Max would bring her many more first times, including sleepovers, pillow fights and witnessing sibling rivalry, later that day. Ruining the moment, the bell rung loudly, signalling that the girls had to go to their next lesson, however they stayed in that empty classroom for the rest of the school day, enjoying each other's company and doodling on the white walls.

After school, Charlie was going to Max's house and then the arcade. Greeting them at the door was the infamous Billy Hargrove.

"Who is this, Maxine?" He immediately inquired, blowing cigarette smoke through his nose, which would be funny if he wasn't almost as scary as Brenner to Charlotte.

"Charlotte Brenner." Charlie answered for Max, looking the boy up and down in disgust, "Displeasure to meet you, king of the whores, who I did not want to talk to and would rather fight than sit next to at the dinner table, so get out of my way and go pretend to be all it somewhere else."

That did it for Billy: he pushed the short girl into the wall and held her against it with his strong arms. He took fast, heavy breaths and his face turned a dark shade of red.

"Disrespect me like that again, and you'll regret ever meeting me!" He spat, ignoring Max's protests in the background.

A silence came over the tense trio, as thudding footsteps came down the stairs. Charlotte knew that neither Billy or Max was happy to see the the owner of those footsteps. Earlier that day, Max explained how terrified she was to make a bad impression on her step-father, so Charlotte shut her mouth and forced a smile.

"Terrorising pipsqueaks for fun?" The man taunted in a gruff voice, clearly forcing Billy to back down and move away, "Go to your rooms kids, or else."

Billy had not noticed, however the two girls definitely had: Max's dad still had his beard smothered with shaving cream, his hair tangled, fluffy slippers on his feet and a cartoon character-patterned dressing gown on. Once out of sight, they sighed and flopped onto Max's bed. That was enough negative energy for Charlotte, she wanted to escape it from the lab, and this was not helping her to enjoy being free.

"How about I teach you how to play Dig Dug?" Max asked, desperate to leave her house.

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