Holiday Special Part 2

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Jack had fell on his butt for the 7th time now. He could stop himself from falling by holding on the the rails on the side of the rink, but he found himself in the middle of the rink. "Dang it! It's going to be a nightmare to get back up." Jack Said to himself pushing himself up, Legosi was also having trouble constantly slipping and getting back up until he got hold of the rail. Jack stood up again and not even 5 seconds later he fell again.

What annoyed Jack further is that almost all the animals there almost ran Jack over or almost crushed his hands. "Jack hold my hand I'll pull you up so we can leave." Legosi called out to Jack, Jack nodded and reached out to Legosi and continued to hold his hand so he wouldn't fall over again. Just at that moment a girl came through and pushed them knocking both of them over. "What's with everyone's bad attitude today?" Jack grumbled, "Yeah everyone is being a jackass today" Legosi Said "Yeah a huge Jackass" Jack Said. Jack usually didn't curse a lot but this kinda ticked him off.

Both Jack and Legosi were done with ice skating so they left. The snow only got worse over time it was really freezing and snow covered everything. Jack was wearing a somewhat thin coat, it also didn't help that his fur didn't grow all back yet. He was sneezing and coughing on a constant rate, Legosi saw that Jack was shivering "Jack, do you want to wear my coat?" As he stopped Jack in the crowded sidewalk. Jack turned around "No I don't! Really I'm fine" Jack Said as he sneezed again. Legosi unzipped his jacket and opened it up (like the merchant from Resident Evil 4 lel) "Are you sure?" Legosi asked as his twitched. Jack couldn't bare the terrible cold anymore, "Yeah I could use that right about now..." Jack Said as he couched a bit, Legosi let him in the jacket zipping it up close to Jack's head.

"Now let's get you medicine." Legosi Said  patting Jack's Head.

Sorry if this was short! Doing a lot this holiday.

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