Jack had know Legosi his whole life, they went to the same school, they did everything together. He almost felt like a brother to him, but recently Jack had been seeing Legosi in more ways then just a friend...
Jack looked at the case Mr. K has given him, Jack opened it. It was a needle and 5 samples of the Drug Zenled, there was a note attached saying "Let our your inner beast!", Jack closed the case "I need to get rid of this before I get caught with it." Jack said to himself entering the street. He was still on the lookout for Legosi, so he headed off.
Jack wondered around the city passing bright lights and stores, but when he went further down he bright city started looking dark and more unsanitary. Jack went up a flight of stairs which led to the Black Market. The first thing Jack smelled was blood, Jack thought for a moment "Did I take a wrong turn?" he looked through the crowned of people to spot a gray wolf. "Legosi!" Jack called out, the Wolf didn't respond Jack took a deep breath and dashed into the market. Jack dashed through the croud and apologizing to the animals he bumped into. "Legosi! Let's get back to school I've-" Jack was stopped in his words when he bumped into a complete stranger. "O-oh sorry I thought you were my friend" Jack said scratching his head, "Get lost kid, I'm not no Lugosi." The wolf said. Jack sighed and turned around to head to the exit, he was grabbed and dragged out. "Hey! What the heck-" Jack yelled, "What are you doing here?!?" "Well I was-, the heck happened to you." asked Jack. "I can totally explain, but we need to get back to school because we are already in deep trouble." Legosi said holding Jack's hand and headed towards the exit.
"NO! I need to know what happened!" Jack said letting go of Legosi, Legosi sighed. "Don't go off telling this to no one." Legosi said. As Legosi explained what happened Jack was distracted by Legosi's fur cut.
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Yes, he looked like a sick fox but he looked so damn cute. "You know your fur cut looks cute." Jack said without thought. Legosi stopped in his words and blushed, "Th-thanks Jack." Legosi said hiding his blush. There was awkward silence for a while, Jack thought for a moment "Did I really just say that!! He's going to think I'm weird!" Jack wanted to pull his ears out. "Legosi what happened? Just last year everything was cool now there's this guy who's a drug dealer harassing us!" That's what Jack would say but it sounded stupid. Right there he wanted to tell him "I love you, please don't hurt yourself.". "Hey Jack, I'm fine and patched up so you don't have to worry anymore." Legosi said as he squat down to Jack's length and gave him his signature stupid smile. "While we're here Legosi..." Jack said "Yeah?" Legosi replied. "I'm being serious too, I love you.". There was a second of silence "Like love me? Or Love love me?" Legosi said, "I love love you, Legosi" Jack said. Legosi pushes Jack to a wall and kisses him in the crowded Black Market, Jack was frozen. Legosi looked into Jack's eyes "I love love you too." He said giving him another smile. "Does this mean we're dating?" Jack said, "We can take small steps." Legosi said.
"Yeah you're right!" Jack said "Can you get me something to eat I'm hungry." Jack said "Eh? Uhh I have enough money what do you want." Legosi asked "You already want to date already?" "No I'm really hungry I didn't eat my instant ramen yet." Jack said as his stomach grumbled. Legosi took a bag of half-eaten chips out his Jacket pocket, "They're ranch flavored." Legosi said handing the bag over to Jack. "Nah I'll pass." Jack said. "Legosi the train is over there." Jack said as they stopped at the end of the empty street as a few cars went by, "Let's get in and hope we don't miss it."
The two canines made their way to the train station, it wasn't crowded for some reason. Jack and Legosi were the only ones there besides a few animals, the train finally arrived. "Last stop at East Station! Last stop at East Station!" The speakers echoed out. Jack and Legosi both entered the Train and sat down. The train ride went well for a while, "Hey pup." Jack turnt around it was a complete stranger talking to him. "Do I know you..?" Jack asked Jack, this also caught Legosi's attention. "You know Marc right?", Jack nodded. The stranger took a seat, "I know you have the drug Zenled, Hand it over." "Wha-?" Jack said, Jack has just remembered he had the drugs on him.
"Hey Jack what's-" before Legosi could finish one of the passengers jumped Legosi and knocked him out. "L-Legosi!" Jack cried, the stranger pulled a gun "I'm going to ask nicely, hand it over."