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Marc Keyon, Age 24, no family, no proper education. Turnt to selling drugs at 15, at age 18 he started getting recognized for selling drugs. Now at 25 years old, he created a hyper drug known as Zenled. Zenled takes a month to create (If 15 are created at once). If a carnivore takes it their strength increases drastically, or kill them. Due to the nature of the drug, many gangs and cops have been trying to track it down...

"Hand over the drugs, I know you have it on you." Said the guy in the jacket, Jack reached in his pocket. "H-here..." Jack as as he reached in his pocket, Jack felt around for a bit it took him only seconds to realize there is a hole big as the case in his pants. "U-umm..." Jack mumbled, the train came to a stop "You're telling me you DONT have the drugs?" the guy in the jacket grabbed Jack by the neck. Nobody else was coming on the train, speakers started playing "All animals service has stopped for tonight please step out he train.". The same message played again about 3 times.

Legosi was still unconscious "Come on! Get up Legosi!" Jack yelled. "Shut the hell up!" said on of the goons that was also there hitting Jack giving him a black eye. "Let's get out of here, take the fox as well.", "Are you sure Milo? That fox is kinda annoying." "Just take him they might both have evidence about the drug Zenled."

Jack's head hurt he felt dizzy, "Lego-" Jack was cut off by Milo who punched him in the chest knocking him out. Everyone left without a trace of what happened, "So Milo are we heading there after we get info off these two?" "Yes Kenji..., you dumb Cheetah."

9 years ago...

"The world is shit..." that's what Marc thought when he was still a teen. He snuck around the BAM (Black Alley Market) for food, water, and shelter. While not the best at it he stole to keep himself healthy. Only eating meat twice at this moment he was desperate, he was starving and had no money. Marc needed money, so he turnt to the only thing he knew how to do steal. But he didn't know that day his life changed dramatically.

When heading towards his next target he was pulled aside by Hiro or at that time one of the top drug sellers. He was what they called a hybrid. "Hey kid, want to make quick cash?". Those words stocked inside young Marc's head for the rest of his life.

When Jack finally regained consciousness he was woke up by Legosi. "Ah you're awake, I though you were dead" said Legosi helping Jack up. They were in a cramped room and a small window they couldn't fit was up high near the roof. "What happened?" Jack asked rubbing his head, "I don't know, that last thing I remember is being in the train." Legosi said. "Legosi you're bleeding." Jack said, checking the wound. "We have to get out of here, find help, call the cops." Jack was speaking fast or was basically coming out gibberish. The door cracked open, "Jack, I forgot you're name..., I'll let you out once you get me tho-" "Wait hold up, I didn't even get your name." Jack shouted. "Oh sorry, Milo. That might not be important if I kill you." Milo said reaching into his pocket and taking out his gun. "Now give me the drugs or where they're produced before I lose my patience." Milo said pointing the gun at Legosi.

"Crap!" Jack thought, "What am I going to do? If I don't answer me and Legosi might-" Jack's thinking was stopped when something like an explosion went off. "Shit.." Milo said under his breath, "You stay here, don't make a fucking sound." As Milo slammed the door. "He's a hybrid." Said Legosi, "Eh? Like you." Jack said. "I may be wrong but he looks like a wolf-zebra mix."

Get ready for a series of intense chapters...

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