Plans I had for Chapter 10-15.

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I felt bad for leaving you guys like this, but here is the plans I had for the upcoming unreleased chapters.

Chapter 10
•Breakout/Escape Mission where Legosi and Jack escape but not without obstacles.
• Jack and Legosi forced into fight against a drugged young animal. They win but not without injuries.
•Fight stops halfway and ends off chapter
Chapter 11
•Fight wraps up and hot Lego and Jack are lost and buy hotel and medical supplies with money they had.
•Drugged animal had money
•Most of the chapter is in hotel where both Lego and Jack have a moment and get patched up
Chapter 12
•Shower Chapter what else is there to say? Random boners and such.
•News breaks out of two students Jack ang Lego are missing
•Haru and 701 have an interaction. Collet May want Haru
Chapter 13
•There is o lit one bed Jack and Lego have to share.
•After a while sex talk begins and isn't soon until they do it so nsfw chapter everyone was waiting for.
•Lego rips Jacks bandages off
Chapter 14
•Return home and punishments and such
•Timeskip and...

•Legosi is in apparmemt and both canines talk for a while have another moment and go out to eat.
Final Chapter
•Kiss more feelings and happy times!

If you want you can try concluding the story yourself but that may not be enjoyable.

Best Friends [Beastars] A Jackgosi Fanfiction (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now