Chapter 2

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I wake up with a huge headache. I roll over and try to fall asleep but my door swings open.

"Good morning your highness," a female voice states. I sit up to let her know I was awake.

"Good morning DeDe," I responded, my voice groggy.

"Charles sent me to help you get ready for today," she tells me, walking over to my wardrobe. "You know, I've heard great things about this prince, he's charming, handsome, and very powerful."

I sigh, DeDe pulls out a gold and red dress. "I hope it works out, I feel bad every time I have to tell a prince that I don't want to marry him."

"Well, if he isn't the one, I'm sure you'll find someone someday," DeDe places the dress on my bed and walks towards the door. "Call me when you're done getting dressed." She walks out of the room, closing the door behind her.

I force myself up and change into the dress. My head is still pounding and my stomach is on the fritz.

"DeDe.. I'm done." I take a seat at my vanity and watch DeDe walk through the door in my mirror.

She does my hair and I doze off a bit. I wonder where Charles is, why didn't he come up here and wake me up?

Once my hair and makeup is done, DeDe escorts me down to the throne room. There's still no sign of Charles, I hope he's alright.

"DeDe," I whisper to her. She hums in response. "Do you know where Charles is?"

"Well.. he had to step out for a bit, he has some personal things to deal with. I heard it's something with his wife, but it shouldn't bother you. He's fine."

I nod my head and go to sit in my throne on the right of my fathers and await their arrival. Another guard stands next to me. He looks nothing like Charles, but he also looks different from everyone else in his own way.

"Good morning your highness," he says, bowing. "I'll be watching over you until Charles' return."

I nod. He stands straight up and takes place next to me. I can already see many differences. He's not standing as straight as Charles, and his voice is less monotone, not that I'm mad about that.

Mother and father eventually come to the throne room after their breakfast.

"I'm sorry you couldn't make it to breakfast, dear," Mother says. She takes her seat on the other side of father.

I look at my lap. "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling very well this morning."

"It's quite alright, just feel better." She says.

Father looks over at me. "Prince Edward should be here soon. I do hope you like him. We're really running out of options here."

"I really am sorry, I sure to hope he's the one as well." I responded.

My father looks around. "Robert, have you seen Charles?"

Robert, the head guard walks up to father and whispers something in his ear.

"Ohh... I do hope it works out. He won't get any punishment, it's out of his control," father responds.

I look over at my father. I open my mouth, about to ask something when a guard I don't recognize walks into the throne room.

"Good morning King William and Queen Emily," the guard speaks. "It's a pleasure to be in your presence today and we thank you graciously for lending your daughter to our prince for the day."

A young man walks into the room, dressed from head to toe in red and white. He's very handsome. His light brown hair is slicked back and his face looks kinda stuck up though. He makes eye contact with me and smiles. I blush and look away.

Father and the guard share a few more words before sending me to the courtyard with Edward and our guards.

Edward takes my hand in his and kisses it lightly when we make it outside. My stomach erupts with butterflies. But I'm not sure if it's from him or if I'm just nauseous.

"It's an honor to be in your presence today," he says. There's a slight accent to his voice.

"It's an honor to have you here," I responded. "I'm sure you're a busy person."

He shakes his head. "My parents haven't gotten me involved in anything yet, I'm just glad I could get out for once."

I chuckle. "Yeah, me too."

We sit at a table and talk for a while. I don't know why, but I already feel something for him. I'm not saying that he's different from the others- in fact, he's just like them- but I don't know. I can't tell if I like him or detest him.

"Prince, it's time to go," Edwards guard says.

Edward nods and stands up. I also stand up.

Edward kisses my hand again. "Thank you for taking time out of your day to talk to me."

I smile. "I really enjoyed it. Thank you for coming."

He waves at me and walks away with his guard. An empty feeling flows over me. I look at my guard and follow him back inside. We walk to the throne room and stand before my parents.

"So, how was it?" Mother asks.

"I'd say it's a step in the right direction." I responded.

"You're saying you liked him?" Father cuts in.

"Better than the others."

"Then we shall schedule another meeting."

I nod and take a seat next to my father. I stare at my lap and hear faint footsteps.

"I'm sorry for my late presence. I had a personal issue to deal with. I promise this will be the only time." My stomach gets butterflies again and I look up.

"It's quite alright Charles, take all the time you need." My father responded. Charles nods and walks up to the guard that was following me around today. They both nod and Charles takes the other guards place. I smile and wave at him, he lightly waves back.

Happy New Years everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!
In 2020 I want to update a lot more so get ready for that!

Thanks so much for reading and I'll see y'all later BAII!!

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